Cervos (Guiding Deer) Species in God Help This World | World Anvil
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Cervos (Guiding Deer)

Despite their close genetic relations with the cervi, these deer belong to the category of the beasts and have been around longer than their cousins. Their demeanor and abilities are vastly different from the cervi and are far more friendlier towards others. Once thought to be extinct, they have made a recent reappearance.

Basic Information


While their antlers and spines look to be made of the typical bone, the touch will tell a different story. It feels almost rubbery, but that's assuming the Cervos doesn't shock you. They appear almost deer-like with massive antlers and long legs. The most non-deer part of this creature however is the feathery tail just behind it that carries sharp spines along the top-suitable for battery.

Biological Traits

A cervos's spines along the back of their neck prevent any larger predators from being able to latch onto where their legs cannot kick. Along with that, the boney structures that protrude from this creature's body is capable of giving a sharp electrical shock to any who touch it. This is often used to stun predators and give the cervos time to flee.

Genetics and Reproduction

Breeding is difficult and rare for these creatures, which doesn't help their endangered status. Each doe produces only one fawn several months after breeding, but the doe is so fragile and weak that it's a struggle for mother to keep it alive.

Ecology and Habitats

Cervos prefer well-forested areas and appreciate being as far away from the border of the forest as possible. They typically know their territory by heart and usually refuse to leave it. However, it's because of this that their numbers have become so small. Carnivorous plants take over their entire forest and they become subjected to being preyed upon by their own environments.

Dietary Needs and Habits

A cervos is typically capable of eating anything remotely plant-like. Starvation isn't really a problem for them unless the harsh winters kick in-in which they must thrive on the bark of trees.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The bones, hooves, and feathers of a Cervos are highly sought after products. The antlers and spines provide a sturdy material that can withstand electricity and potentially be used to attract lightning. The head of the creature, however, provides an excellent decorative bust to any trophy hunters that wish to add to their collection.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Anywhere with forest that isn't consumed by carnivorous plants.

Average Intelligence

Highly intelligent creatures that can be trained and domesticated with extreme ease. They are shy creatures, but they have been known to lead and carry the wounded to the outer edges of their forest-typically where help can be found. It's not known if this is out of generosity or if they just don't want you dying in their forest.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

These creatures are one of the few that are capable of sensing shifts and changes in the electrical current of the air. It's said that they are capable of predicting the weather and even detecting magic within its immediate presence.
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Scientific Name
scintillam cervos
30 years
Conservation Status
Extremely rare, a protected species
Average Height
7-8 ft
Average Length


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