Beastfolk Species in God Help This World | World Anvil
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Beasts and Monstrosities afflicted with the A.A.V. virus. They have endured the hardships of the virus and survived past it to reach a complete reconstruction of their DNA to permit sapience and the use of magic.

Basic Information


Every beast and monstrosity is different. It can range from a small lizard to a wooly mammoth.

Genetics and Reproduction

Every host reproduces in the exact manner of their species. It's common for a host to save their infecting bite for their children so that they too can become sapient.

Additional Information

Uses, Products & Exploitation

They can give you magic if they bite you and want to give you magic.

Geographic Origin and Distribution


Average Intelligence

Sapience, however how much they know depends on their interactions and backgrounds.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Names typically associate with sounds the animal can make. "Houl" - Wolf "Grou" - Bear
Typically adds on a substantial amount of years to their lifespan.
Conservation Status


Ability Score Increase GM discretion
Size Tiny
Speed Varies


Languages. Common Sylvan Their Species' Language


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