Dana Character in Gm's Hyrule | World Anvil
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Great Spirit Dana

Dana is the weapon spirit of fire. She has been attached to a Demon Spear by Shinzo/Magnus to power the seal on Volga  and restrict his power.

Divine Domains

Fire, Power


Dana's Spear (Metal Demon Spear)   See also Stone of Agony

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Dana is the Fire Spirit of Eldin. She was told to protect the volcano by Din. However, Volga rampaged across Eldin in his madness, and she could not stop him. Shinzo showed up to stop him, and he bound Dana to a spear to fuel the seal that would hold back Volga's maddening power.   Volga wielded Dana from then on. He took her on his missions given to him from Shinzo. They fought in the Civil War against the rebel armies.   Now, Volga has been contacted by Rotana, a vessel for Shinzo. He's been asked to pull Hyrule's troops away from the Castle.


Din requested Dana watch over Eldin's Volcano.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Dana successfully sealed away Volga's power.

Morality & Philosophy

Dana first and foremost follows Din, and was friends with the spirits of the mountain, and often carried out tasks involving them.

Personality Characteristics


Dana loves a good fight. She likes testing her strength, and loves watching people grow stronger. She has an intense sense of loyalty, so whoever she works for becomes her primary motivator.

Likes & Dislikes

Dana loves a good game, enjoys a good fight, but hates disloyal and lazy people.


Religious Views

Din is the primary goddess she follows.


Dana is a playful, energetic spirit, full of silliness and laughter. She gets distracted easily.


1. You see through Dana's Eyes. You see Volga flying over Eldin. He spews fire as he flies, and the Gorons scream on the ground below as they hurry into their mines. The dragon suddenly turns toward them, dipping below the mountain peaks and rising again as he swallows a Goron whole. Infuriated, the fire blazing from your spiritual form flares. Heat rises from you, distorting your view as you charge after the beast. You lob wave after wave of fire at him, but he brushes it off as if it were nothing, not even turning to fight you. You continue your assualt, but he continues his feast. It isn't until you've nearly exhausted all you have that he finally notices you. With a snap of his jaw, he bites at your form, and your flames dispearse. You cannot beat him, so you alight yourself upon a mountain peak and watch the chaos of Death Mountain.   As you gather yourself, you notice that a Sheikah is rushing up the mountainside directly towards you. He bears a spear of demonic origins and staff exuding darkness, so you ready yourself for a fight. But when he finally reaches your perch, he bows before you. You ask him, "Are you here to slay the dragon perhaps?" He responds, "No, actually I'm here to save him. He's lost control of himself in a maddening hunger brought on by his overwhleming power. I want to put a seal over him that will give him control, but to make a seal of such strength, I'll need your help. May I bound you to this spear, much like the entity of my staff?" You hear the Gorons screaming in the distance, and that's all you need to make your decision. You agree to help.   The memory begins fading. The last thing you see is glimpses of an arcane ritual performed to bind Dana to the spear.   2. You see through Dana's Eyes. You ask the Sheikah his name and he replies, "Shinzo". He weilds you and his other weapon, alternating between the two, as he fights Volga. Volga is quickly overwhelmed, as if Shinzo knew every attack pattern the Dragon possessed. When the beast was at deaths door, he put together a seal. You feel the seal binding your spirit to Volga, slowly syphoning your magic away. When he is done, Volga is no longer a dragon, but a Sheikah.   Shinzo explains to the confused man, "The Royals sent me to kill you, you know. Fortunately, they don't know you're the dragon. They just think you're MIA. As long as you can control yourself, you can return to your duties, soldier. Do you think you can do that?"   Volga only had the strength to nod his approval. He stares at your spear though, as if asking for your input. You respond, "Sure, I mean, sounds kinda fun."   As the memory fades, you hear Shinzo say, "Good. Then as of this day, that dragon is dead, and you, Volga, been found trying to fight him. I need you on the front lines again, friend, so let's go back to Hyrule."   3. You see through the eyes of Dana. It is cold, and you do your best to keep Volga warm. You and Volga are accompanying Shinzo and a group of Sheikah elites through a canyon.   Shinzo explains, "We were told by the Royal Family that a rebel group had taken over Hylia’s temple, but so far, I haven't seen any sign of this being true... so just be on your guard"   You continue through the canyon. Snow falls from above. Volga suddenly tenses, and some of the Sheikah elite drop dead. You've been ambushed and surrounded. Judging by the armor on your assailants, its the Royal Guard.   "Are you serious? Are you, the royal guard of all people, betraying the crown?" Shinzo asks   "No" they reply, "But you have. You've been slated for execution at the Royal's Orders for treason. Give up, Shinzo, your thirst for power and the crimes you've commited to quench it are known to all of us now, including your inability to follow the simple order of killing this dragon." The guard points to Volga.   Volga whispers to Shinzo, "I'll take this fight. Run."   Shinzo says, "You can't win, you'll die."   Volga chuckles, and the Royal Guards move in to fight. Between the clangs of metal weapons striking armor, Volga says, "I'll 'die' over and over again if it means you escape. I'm loyal to you, Clan leader, not the crown. You've done more for Hyrule than anyone else. Get out, and correct the madness of this world, ok?"   Shinzo hesitates, but as more of his Sheikah units fall around him, he pushes for an opening and runs South. The Royal Guards try to follow, but you and Volga stand in their way. Their weapons repeatedly deal fatal blows against Volga. As his shouts of pain reverberate through the canyon, the memory fades into darkness.   4. You see through Dana's eyes. It is night, and you and Volga stand in the desert on the border of Hyrule. Shinzo says, "Thank you, Volga, for your sacrifices for my sake." Volga motions for Shinzo to stop, and simply asks, "What are you doing now?"   He says, "I'm going to go into hiding inside the Desert colossus. The Gerudo.... 'Deities' have given me permission to build a large laboratory and factory under it.I plan on making... a mechanical wonder of sorts while also further developing my darker magic. I'm gaining power to take over Hyrule and save it from itself."   The memory shifts. You get the sense you have moved forward in time. You and Dragon Volga are sitting atop a castle roof. The city and other towers of the castle burn with fires, and the sound of war rings over the air. Peaking out of a window below you is the Princess you've been told to keep safe here. You all - Volga, the princess, the troops in the area who no longer have opponents - watch with held breathes as Shinzo fights the King and Queen of Hyrule on the road they were attempting to flee through. After a few attacks and a short exchange of unheard words, the queen takes her own head, and the King falls to his knees. Shinzo knocks him out.   Shinzo shouts, "Today, I am the King of Hyrule! The Previous Queen is dead, and the King will forever be exiled, just as I had been. In acknowledgement of their bloodline with the gods, though, their princess will be permitted to live here, and will succede me if I deem her worthy. Our war is over! The GREAT WAR IS OVER!"   The troops around him, Sheikah, Zola, Hylian, Demon, and many others cheer. Shinzo smiles brilliantly back at you and Volga. It is the last thing you see before the memory fades away.   5. You see through Dana's eyes. You stand before Shinzo, who sits on the throne of Hyrule next to his Queen. The doors to the room burst open, and the princess rushes in. Between heavy breaths, she exclaims, "I've had a vision of the future. The Demon King is going to come soon, and in Hyrule's weakened state, we will fall."   In half a beat, you can see Shinzo formulating an entire plan in his mind. He says to Volga, "Then we'll need to develop a weapon that changes our odds... and find new troops. Volga, Come with me. Fortunately, I've already developed some theories on handling the Demon King. We'll try a few things."   The memory shifts, and you sense that you are further along in time. You stand in a round room. In front of you is a strange contraption, and equidistant from it and in a perfect array, are 5 secret stones. Shinzo directs Volga to stand where you thought a sixth stone aught to be. Shinzo activates the contraption, and Volga convulses. You feel all your magic draining away and more terrifying still, the seal on Volga loosens. If Shinzo wasn't here to pour his own magic into Volga too, it likely would have broke before the machine turned off again.   In the center of the machine, the mirror to subrosia now sits. Shinzo carefully picks it up, flinching as his skin comes in contact. He says to Volga, "Take this one to Death Mountain, it has different curse, but still one that risks everyone nearby. Once there, activate it and go through the portal, just like the last one you used. After you've assessed if the people in the other dimension can help us, come back."   Again, time shifts forward. You see Volga amid a sea of subrosian, soft and small, useless in a war. Behind you is the portal. Volga goes through the portal with you, and none of the subrosians follow. When you step back into Hyrule, you are greated by spears and greatswords, Sheikah and Gorons. "You, Dragon Volga, your king and his allies are exiled by the gods. Return to where you came from or we'll all face the wrath of the gods."   Volga draws his spear, but within a matter of minutes, the sheer number of foes pushes him back into the portal. The memory fades as you sit in subrosia watching the portal close behind you.
Divine Classification
Great Spirit
Current Status
Fueling the Seal on Volga.
Circumstances of Birth
Created by Din
Current Residence
Long Flame
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Red Fire

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