Skein of Night Physical / Metaphysical Law in Glüm | World Anvil

Skein of Night

The Skein of Night is a membrane of elemental force stretched across the Song of Creation, allowing its raw power to be somewhat lessened enough to create the Cacophony, and therefore the rest of Creation. It is unknown who or what created the Skein of Night, only that it is a construct of magic, meaning it did have a creator. However, this magic is well beyond the ken of any known spirit — God or otherwise.


The Skein of Night is believed to be what can be seen in the heavens above the mortal plane, with the stars shining through as the pinpricks of the Song leaking into Creation. It must be noted, however, that despite appearing above the mortal plane, it is not possible to physically travel to the Skein of Night, and one must use planar magic to journey there. Such a journey would be folly to a mortal, who would be immediately destroyed by the power present.
Metaphysical, Elemental


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