Witglass Material in Glass Immortals | World Anvil


Witglass is the purple godglass that augmented the natural mental faculties of its wearer. It is often used by shopkeepers, military officers, and politicians to help them make calculations at inhuman speeds. Witglass can help one visualize branching possibilities into the future, even process decisions weeks ahead of time, or review memories of the past for minute details. However, the very best quality high-resonant witglass has been known to drive its wearers mad, with only a few exceptions. Someone whose mind had been broken by witglass usually has a blank mind, pain behind their eyes, and a dark and silent future with no possible calculations.    STORY   Demir Grappo has an inch-long, spoon-shaped piece of high-resonance witglass that he received as a gift from his mother. With it, he can make strategic battle and political calculations at superhuman speed. However, after his mental breakdown at the sack of Holikan, witglass no longer works for him, revealing only a dark and silent future instead of the branching possibilities. Now, every time he wears witglass, it causes him stabbing pain in his head that intensifies the longer he wears it.