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Welcome to Githion, a wonderfull world of fantasy, magic and all kinds of creatures. The world of Githion is full of forgotten temples to discover, mysterious dungeons to crawl, dangerous monsters to slay and plenty of treasure to collect. Githion is place where many adventurers, much like yourself, can learn and grow to become great wizards, druids and all other kinds of hero's. But before you can conjure up storm without breaking a sweat, you have to earn it, fight yourself to the top and make new allies along the way.   In Githion there are 7 main continents and a few islands here and there. In the north there is Fearann, a continent entirely covered in a dense and dangerous jungle with many yet undiscovered wonderfull creatures and deadly temples of old forgotten gods. And deep inside this jungle a force only known as The Beast has been waiting for it's moment to return. Slowly corrupting the monsters and people of Fearann. Although it's attempt to permanently set foot into Githion was stopped, it seems the influence of The Beast is spreading to surrounding continents as well.   South of Fearann there is the green desert that leads to the continent of Sirano. A continent torn by war, with many cities still recovering from the great defeat of the skoutans from so many years ago. Politics about territory have been getting more heated over the years and many people have been using this to their advantage. The criminal underworld has trived upon the great depression that followed the war.   To the east of Fearann lies the continent of Argodonium. A rather flat continent with much open wilderness. Here old family feuds have torn the once great kingdom or Rrohan apart and left it devided. Recently a cult known as the followers of the red emporer have launched multiple attacks on the cities of the continent. While above the ground a group of complete morons fought with multiple malevolent forces, deep underneath the ground a different war was going on. A war between dark forces each seeking more power and control over the underdark and eventually over the world above.   Argodonium is connect via a landbridge to the smallest continent of the world, Astonia. A continent where the dangerous wilderness has been mosty replaced with safe roads and protected villages. Here in this continent of safety known for it's great advancement and quick collinizations of the lands, an old evil tried to ascent to godhood, but failed duo to the act of a group of adventures. Eventhough Kadrom was stopped, the devistating effect of the war he started can still be felt.   A magical shockwave that was felt all throughout Githion has changed the world forever. New island fell from the sky and rose from the oceans. Previously thought exstinct monsters are being discovered, most still frozen in giant glaziers. New unclaimed lands were discovered, causing many new wars over land and resources. And ancient civilizations have been returned to the world they do not know. What will this all bring, and why did it happen?   Finally a great war between the dragons of the world was fought high in the sky on the citadel of Tiamat. The Queen of evil dragons was close to completing her ritual to once again enter the world, but was banished once more and with her defeat the citadel came crumbeling down. The ruins now lay deep at the bottum of the ocean to never be disturbed again, or so they hope.