Park Nari Character in Gi'ardi | World Anvil
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Park Nari

Nari is the middle sister of the original Park sisters from Karanya's origin story. Famously stubborn and hot-headed in her family to her parents' chagrin ("You'll never find a husband that way!" "Good!"), she was a mere 12 years old when Tobias began his expedition to Joson from Butunia. Upon arriving in Butunia, her parents urged her to marry Dmitri, Tobias's older brother, who was a whopping 16 years her senior. She gave in begrudgingly, literally just praying he would die sooner rather than later. She bore one son with him, Maciej, whom she loved dearly despite his less than wanted parentage. She can most likely be classified as asexual. She did stay in Karanya for most of the rest of her life, assisting her sister, brother-in-law, and their daughter with running the kingdom as a member of their main council. She frequently butted heads with her husband over issues as a result of this position, but she can be credited as a reason Karanya had such a strong foundation in the first place. Name meaning: "Lily Flower" in Korean


Park Nari

sister (Vital)

Towards Pak Eun of Joseo - Mother of Miraslava, Kasimir, and Boleslaw



Pak Eun of Joseo - Mother of Miraslava, Kasimir, and Boleslaw

sister (Vital)

Towards Park Nari



Dmitri Kumiega

husband (Trivial)

Towards Park Nari



Park Nari

wife (Trivial)

Towards Dmitri Kumiega



1063 ETKM 1150 ETKM 87 years old
dark, keen, monolidded
black, frequently tied back
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
deep tan-brown

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