New Types of Batteries in Ghuant | World Anvil

New Types of Batteries

With everyone having all this tech to change and only limited places to change it, they have been driven to create other means to get power. Most of these methods are much slower or more dangerous than finding a charging station but where there is a will, there is a way.   There are different types of batteries that try to keep all those fun toys running here are a few:   Ambient Power  
Type Cost Wt Recharge
Blood x10 x1.5 Takes your Blood
Swarm 12000cr x1.5 ambient Power 60 feet
Meltdown 700cr/12000cr/58000cr Trap use blows up item
Vampiric Charger 20000cr Others Blood
Charging Suit 200cr/500cr/1000cr 1/2/4lbs one-time use charge
Hydro Battery x2 Water
Magic Converting Battery x5 Use Magic to charge the battery
Movement Battery x3 x2 Movement of the body charges up
Extra Light Enhancement +20%/+35% base 25%/50% make battery Lighter

Blood Batteries

These are used by blood weapons and use the user's life to charge the guns. it is like giving blood and turning into power instead of putting it back into a person. As PL 6 items they can be made and the trolls used these exclusively. In order to get your equipment to work with these you have to convert it to a blood item, which means it cant be charged in the normal way, it can only use blood batteries to use power. You also have to be alive for them to work. For every 1 hp drain by the battery, it creates 10 charges for the battery. This loss of hp cannot be healed by magic or any known tech under TL 8. You must regain loss through natural healing from rest only ( even fast healing which is a form of natural healing does not work). Some PL 9 tech has been known to heal this damage but there are no specifics about it. Once a weapon is converted to a Blood weapon it cant use normal batteries anymore. Normally you linked it to your own blood and that is allowed in civilized lands. You can set it to use any blood and that is deemed illegal, if caught with that it will be taken off you and fined or imprisoned. Cost: x10 normal cost (1200, 6600, 7800, 8900) Wt: x1.5  

Swarm Battery

A Swarm battery consists of still-living tissue that reflexively adapts to power any item, including non-Swarm varieties, functioning as a high-capacity battery with 40 charges. A Swarm battery can adapt to be recharged at any charging station. It also recharges on its own at the rate of 1 charge per hour, provided it remains within 60 feet of ambient nearby electricity, such as power conduits in a city, a starship’s power core, consistent static electricity, or even a small amount of electricity running through a living body. Cost: 12000cr Wt: x1.5  

Meltdown Battery

Left for traps these batteries seem to be normal batteries. They’re almost indistinguishable from standard batteries, identifiable only through close examination and a successful Engineering check (DC = 15 + meltdown battery’s item level). A weapon loaded with a meltdown battery appears to be fully charged but is in fact an explosive trap, as long as the item level of the meltdown battery is equal to or higher than the level of the weapon. If such a weapon is fired, the meltdown battery enters a rapid-response feedback loop that causes the weapon to explode. The weapon is broken and deals its normal damage to all creatures in a 10-foot-radius burst; creatures within this radius can attempt a Reflex save for half damage (DC = 10 + 1/2 × item level). A meltdown battery loaded into a weapon with an item level higher than that of the battery doesn’t explode but doesn’t fire; the meltdown battery is destroyed. Cost: Lvl 6 700cr lvl 12 12000cr lvl lvl 18 58000cr  

Vampiric Charger

Carved to resemble a grotesque, bestial head, a vampiric charger has a wide maw with a pair of sharpened fangs serving as prongs. The charger converts life force into magical power and then into electricity. As a move action, you can insert a battery into the vampiric charger, and as another move action, you can stab the charger's fangs into a helpless or willing creature. Your target loses 1d4+1 Hit Points, which can’t be negated or mitigated in any way without causing the charger to fail. Every round thereafter, the creature takes 1 Constitution damage, and the battery attached to the charger regains 10 charges (up to its maximum). Once attached to a creature, the vampiric charger continues to inflict Constitution damage until it is removed or the creature dies, even if the battery is fully charged. A creature can remove the charger as a move action.   Highly illegal in most places.   Each time a battery is recharged in this way, it has a 20% chance to become corrupted. If the creature the charger is attached to dies while a battery is charging, that battery immediately becomes corrupted. Only a vampiric charger and blood charges can recharge such a corrupted battery. Cost 20000cr Wt:x2  

Charged suit

These outfits come in all shapes, styles, and sizes. Within the fabric is enough to power to directly charge 1 shot from most handheld weapons. You have to hold the weapon to send the charge then it needs to be recharged. For double the price, your movement can fill the charge back up within 24 hours of normal activity. Cost: Power Small gun 200cr Longgun 500cr Sniper 1000cr. Can add to any light armor or skin-tight armor for double the cost. Wt: adds 1/2/4 lbs  

Hydro Battery

These useful batteries can be charged if find a fast source of running water like a waterfall or river. use the following chart to track how much can gain   Every 10-foot height of the waterfall from a main river 1 charge/hour Fast-moving water source 1 charge/2 hours Rapids in the large main river 1/hour   Can put the battery into the water source and will give you the rate after 5 minutes. This also can double as a water purifier if attach water container and will make 1L of clean water every 10 min as well. Cost: x2 Wt: Normal  

Magic Converting Battery

If you have unused spell energy and are in an area where you can't use it, this battery is for you! While you cannot create effects with magic outside that one area of the world, you still have it inside you. By willing your effects at the battery, it gets changed by magical energies. 1 charge is given for every level of the spell effect used. Cost x5 Wt: Normal  

Movement Battery

If walking is your thing, this is the battery for you! The more you walk, the more you charge. Every mile you walk you charge 1 point of the battery. You have to be walking, not riding in a car or on a horse, and not in a mecha or power armor. It has to be walking too, flying it does not read. Your own bodying is creating the power that it is storing. It does mean after you used this you are fatigued no matter how long you walked for. Cost: x3 Wt: x2  

Extra Light Enhancement

If you going out to the outlands and need to bring a lot of batteries with you, you pop in and we can add this to any of the above batteries. Starting at 25% lighter we got up to 50% for the right price. Cost: 25% 20% of the total cost of the battery, 50% 35% total cost of the battery.  

Arc Battery

Roughly the same size as standard batteries, Arc batteries are translucent cylindrical objects bound by a transparent aluminum alloy. By a strange quirk of fate and parallel engineering, Arc batteries can be interchanged with the standard batteries used in the World. The technology for rapid recharging of Arc batteries has been lost, but such batteries recharge automatically over 24 hours of disuse. These batteries come in four different varieties: regular, high-capacity, super-capacity, and ultra-capacity. Each variety has a maximum number of charges as the normal batteries of the same type (Starfinder Core Rulebook 179). When these batteries are found, they are almost always fully charged. Cost: Cannot be bought.
Battery Batteries charge powered weapons, but they can also be used to power an array of items, including powered armor and technological items. Batteries have a standardized size and weight, and items that take batteries all have a slot into which they fit, regardless of the item’s actual size. Weapons that use batteries list the highest-capacity battery they are capable of using as well as how many charges from the battery that each shot consumes.   SFS Legal Battery, Standard Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. 179 Level 1; Price 120 Hands 1; Proficiency Ammo Damage —; Critical — Capacity 20 Wt: 2 lbs   SFS Legal Battery, High-Capacity Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. 179 Level 4; Price 660 Hands 1; Proficiency Ammo Damage —; Critical — Capacity 40 Wt:4 lbs   SFS Legal Battery, Super-Capacity Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. 179 Level 4; Price 780 Hands 1; Proficiency Ammo Damage —; Critical — Capacity 80 Wt:8 lbs   SFS Legal Battery, Ultra-Capacity Source Starfinder Core Rulebook pg. 179 Level 5; Price 990 Hands 1; Proficiency Ammo Damage —; Critical — Capacity 100 Wt:10 lbs