Metals of the Time Stream in Ghuant | World Anvil

Metals of the Time Stream


ProtoZortium was an alloy of metal that was partially grafted unto biological matters (proteins, possibly). The matter was 20 times more resilient than steel and could partially deflect beam weapons (such as lasers). being quasi-alive, dents and holes would regenerate over time. The super-metal was used for armors of ships and the like but could also be laced into the bones of a human subject to form a bond that turn the bones nearly indestructible.    


  The properties of Chronosteel can vary depending on the specific story or universe in which it is featured. However, here are some common properties that are often associated with Chronosteel: Temporal Resistance: Chronosteel is typically depicted as highly resistant to the effects of time. It may be immune to degradation, corrosion, or any form of deterioration that occurs over time.   Time Manipulation: Chronosteel may possess the ability to manipulate time in some way. This could include creating temporal barriers, suspending time within its vicinity, or altering the flow of time for objects or individuals in its presence.   Temporal Shielding: Chronosteel is often portrayed as providing a protective barrier against the passage of time. Objects or individuals encased in Chronosteel are shielded from the effects of time, essentially freezing them in a specific moment.   Durability: Chronosteel is typically depicted as an incredibly durable material. It may have exceptional strength and resilience, capable of withstanding extreme conditions or forces.   Rarity: Chronosteel is often portrayed as a rare and precious material, difficult to obtain or replicate. Its scarcity contributes to its value and significance within the story. It can only be found in the time stream.    


  This metal forms both the walls and floors of the Ringworld. It is milky-gray translucent and nearly frictionless. A fairly thin layer of scrith is capable of blocking 40% of the neutrinos that encounter it, equivalent to almost a light year of lead. It also absorbs, in near entirety, all other radiation and subatomic particles, and it rapidly dissipates heat. The tensile strength of scrith is similar to the strong nuclear force, with the Ringworld foundation only about 30m deep. Additionally, it is transparent to large magnetic fields.   Properties:
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Scrith Description: Scrith is an exceptionally durable and versatile material of unknown extraterrestrial origin, often found in ancient and advanced alien constructs. It possesses extraordinary physical and chemical properties that make it ideal for use in starship construction, armor plating, and advanced technological devices.   Properties:   Hardness: 50 Hit Points: 100 per inch of thickness Density: Extremely high (Scrith is incredibly dense, with an estimated density of around 20 g/cm³) Molecular Stability: Perfect (Scrith exhibits unparalleled resistance to molecular breakdown and deformation) Energy Resistance: Scrith provides significant resistance to energy-based attacks, including laser, plasma, and radiation damage. Game Statistics:   Hardness: 50   Scrith has an unmatched hardness, making it nearly impervious to conventional damage. This hardness rating is more than twice that of adamantine, reflecting its superior resilience. Hit Points: 100 per inch of thickness   The material's hit points per inch indicate its incredible durability. Scrith can withstand immense amounts of damage before being breached or destroyed. Density: Extremely high   Scrith's density contributes to its overall strength and durability, making it heavy but incredibly protective. This high density also makes it less practical for use in lightweight applications unless weight is not a concern. Energy Resistance: Significant   Scrith provides resistance to various energy types: Laser: +30 energy resistance Plasma: +30 energy resistance Radiation: +30 energy resistance Applications:   Starship Hulls and Armor:   Scrith is ideal for constructing starship hulls and armor plating, providing unparalleled protection against both physical and energy-based attacks. Ships with Scrith plating can venture into hazardous environments with reduced risk of damage from cosmic radiation, asteroid impacts, and enemy fire. Personal Armor:   Personal armor crafted from Scrith offers superior protection for individuals in combat situations. Such armor is nearly impervious to conventional weaponry and provides excellent resistance to energy weapons, making it highly sought after by military and elite security forces. Advanced Technology:   Scrith's unique properties make it valuable in the creation of advanced technological devices, including power generators, containment fields, and high-security vaults. Its ability to withstand immense pressure and temperature extremes allows it to function reliably in extreme conditions. Cost and Rarity:   Cost: Extremely high (Scrith is among the most expensive materials available due to its rarity and exceptional properties) 50,000 credits per pound Rarity: Extremely rare (Scrith is typically found only in ancient alien structures or from advanced civilizations with the technology to synthesize it) Acquisition:   Scrith is rarely found in natural form and is often salvaged from ancient ruins or acquired through trade with highly advanced civilizations. Due to its scarcity and value, acquiring Scrith usually involves significant effort, expense, and potentially dangerous expeditions into unknown or hostile territories. Example Item Using Scrith:   Scrith Plated Armor (Light Armor)   EAC Bonus: +20 KAC Bonus: +25 Max Dexterity Bonus: +2 Armor Check Penalty: -4 Speed Adjustment: -10 ft Bulk: 3 Special Properties: +30 energy resistance to laser, plasma, and radiation damage; 100 HP per inch of thickness. Description: This sleek and nearly indestructible armor is made from a thin layer of Scrith, offering unparalleled protection. It is favored by high-ranking military officials, elite mercenaries, and explorers who expect to face the toughest challenges.
        General Properties: cannot be worked in normal time; blocks deep-radar and hyperwave; absorbs 40% of neutrinos; absorbs nearly 100% of all other radiation and subatomic particles; rapidly dissipates heat; retains induced magnetic fields; nearly frictionless surface; appears translucent, grayish in sunlight.   In the Timestream it is either a gas if in heavy time turbulence area hard to mine but can collect ALOT if can catch the gas and keep it in that state until you need to use it, or in a soft workable state that you can mold even by hand. Once it leaves the timestream it becomes hard within 24 hours and then.   Scrith is an unreasonably strong material, virtually indestructible, and much denser than lead. Nothing will grow on bare scrith; it cannot be worked, and it cannot be pierced by known tools or weapons.   The tensile strength of scrith is many billions of times greater than tungsten steel. Scrith absorbs forty percent of neutrinos. A neutrino stands a fifty-fifty chance of passing through several light-years of normal matter, even compressed matter, without being absorbed!   Disintegrators do not appear to affect scrith. Same DR against Disintegrators weapons Deep-radar and other sensors will not penetrate it. It adds +10 to any check to detect a ship with a scrith shield.   The material seems to disperse heat rapidly. If a laser is fired at scrith, there is no steam, no smoke, no crackle of material exploding into vapor( DR 40 vs laser(if ship hull is made of this only applies to damage after armour) or any weapon that heats up material to do damage and immune to Critical hits from said weapons.   Scrith is an artificial substance. Most of its properties are still mysterious. One of the best theories concerning it postulates that massive electromagnetic fields are used in strengthening the inter-nuclear force so that atomic bonding within the substance no longer relies on molecular chemical and crystalline phenomena. The increase in strength is about right if enhanced nuclear bonding (rather than molecular or atomic) is involved.   It retains an induced electromagnetic field. With the right control devices, you can build electricity and artifactual Grav.  


  Description: Chronium is a rare and shimmering metal found only in the turbulent currents of the time stream. Its surface appears to ripple and shift as if reflecting the ever-changing flow of time itself. Properties: When properly forged, Chronium weapons and armor can exhibit extraordinary temporal properties. Weapons made from Chronium can phase in and out of existence momentarily, granting the wielder a chance to strike at moments of weakness in their opponents. Armor crafted from Chronium can similarly phase in and out of existence, providing brief moments of invulnerability to incoming attacks. Lore: Legends speak of ancient civilizations that attempted to harness the power of Chronium to control time itself, leading to catastrophic consequences. Some scholars believe that fragments of these failed experiments still linger within the time stream, waiting to be discovered by intrepid adventurers.  
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Properties and Game Statistics

Hardness: 20     Hit Points: 40 per inch of thickness   Weight: Chronium items weigh half as much as their standard metal counterparts.   Special Properties:   Temporal Stability: Items made from Chronium are resistant to temporal effects. They grant the wearer a +2 bonus on saving throws against effects that manipulate time (e.g., time stop, temporal stasis). Energy Resistance: Armor made from Chronium grants the wearer energy resistance 5 against fire, cold, electricity, and sonic. Durability: Weapons made from Chronium gain a +1 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls and are immune to the broken condition as long as they have at least 1 hit point. Weight Reduction: Chronium's unique properties allow it to be strong without being heavy. Items made from Chronium weigh half as much as items made from steel. Crafting Difficulty: Working with Chronium requires great skill. Crafting items from Chronium requires a Craft (armor, weapons, or related skill) check with a DC 30. Cost Chronium is extremely rare and valuable. The cost of raw Chronium is 5,000 gp per pound. Finished items made from Chronium typically increase the item's cost by a factor of 10 due to its rarity and the difficulty of working with the metal.   Chronium Armor Chronium Light Armor (Level 10)   Price: 20,000 credits EAC Bonus: +12 KAC Bonus: +14 Max Dex Bonus: +4 Armor Check Penalty: -1 Speed Adjustment: — Upgrade Slots: 2 Bulk: 1 Special Properties: Temporal Stability: +2 bonus on saving throws against time-manipulating effects. Energy Resistance: Energy resistance 5 to all energy types (fire, cold, electricity, acid, and sonic). Lightweight: Weighs half as much as standard armor of the same type. Chronium Heavy Armor (Level 15)   Price: 75,000 credits EAC Bonus: +19 KAC Bonus: +22 Max Dex Bonus: +2 Armor Check Penalty: -4 Speed Adjustment: -5 ft. Upgrade Slots: 4 Bulk: 3 Special Properties: Temporal Stability: +2 bonus on saving throws against time-manipulating effects. Energy Resistance: Energy resistance 10 to all energy types (fire, cold, electricity, acid, and sonic). Lightweight: Weighs half as much as standard armor of the same type. Chronium Weapons Chronium Longsword (Level 7)   Price: 5,000 credits Damage: 1d8 slashing Critical: Bleed 1d6 Bulk: 1 Special Properties: Durability: +1 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls. Unbreakable: Immune to the broken condition as long as it has at least 1 hit point. Lightweight: Weighs half as much as a standard longsword. Chronium Laser Rifle (Level 10)   Price: 30,000 credits Damage: 3d8 fire Critical: Burn 2d8 Range: 120 ft. Capacity: 40 charges Usage: 2 charges per shot Bulk: 1 Special Properties: Tech Integration: +2 bonus to saving throws against electrical and technological malfunctions or hacking attempts. Durability: +1 enhancement bonus to attack and damage rolls. Lightweight: Weighs half as much as a standard laser rifle. Chronium Technological Items Chronium Datajack (Level 5)   Price: 2,500 credits Bulk: L Special Properties: Tech Integration: +2 bonus to saving throws against electrical and technological malfunctions or hacking attempts. Temporal Stability: +2 bonus on saving throws against time-manipulating effects. Lightweight: Weighs half as much as a standard datajack. Chronium Power Core (Level 10)   Price: 40,000 credits Bulk: 4 Special Properties: Enhanced Capacity: Provides double the energy output of a standard power core of the same size. Energy Efficiency: Reduces power consumption of connected devices by 50%. Tech Integration: +2 bonus to saving throws against electrical and technological malfunctions or hacking attempts. Temporal Stability: +2 bonus on saving throws against time-manipulating effects.   Craft DC: 30 Raw Materials: The character must have raw Chronium, which costs 5,000 gp per pound. The amount needed depends on the item being crafted (GM’s discretion). Time: Crafting items from Chronium takes twice as long as crafting items from standard metals.


  Description: Aeonite is a dense, crystalline metal that glows with a soft, otherworldly light. It is believed to be formed from the condensed remnants of fractured timelines within the time stream. Properties: Aeonite possesses unique time-altering properties, allowing it to manipulate the flow of time around it. Weapons forged from Aeonite can slow or hasten the passage of time with each strike, causing opponents to age rapidly or move in slow motion. Armor made from Aeonite can similarly manipulate time to provide brief bursts of heightened speed or temporary invulnerability. Lore: The origins of Aeonite are shrouded in mystery, with some scholars speculating that it is the crystallized essence of beings that exist outside the normal flow of time. Others believe it to be the physical manifestation of the time stream's own will, granting glimpses of its true nature to those who possess it.
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Hardness: 25 Hit Points: 50 per inch of thickness   Weight: Aeonite items weigh 75% of their standard metal counterparts.   Special Properties:   Mystical Resonance: Items made from Aeonite resonate with magical energy, providing a +1 bonus to the DC of spells and spell-like abilities cast using or through Aeonite items. Energy Amplification: Weapons and armor made from Aeonite amplify energy, increasing the damage of energy-based attacks by 1d6. Ethereal Resistance: Aeonite grants a +2 bonus on saving throws against ethereal and incorporeal effects, such as ghost touch or ethereal jaunt. Lightweight: Aeonite's unique properties allow it to be strong yet lighter than most metals. Items made from Aeonite weigh 75% of the weight of standard metal items. Crafting Difficulty: Working with Aeonite requires exceptional skill. Crafting items from Aeonite requires a Craft (armor, weapons, or related skill) check with a DC 35. Cost Aeonite is extremely rare and valuable. The cost of raw Aeonite is 10,000 credits per pound. Finished items made from Aeonite typically increase the item's cost by a factor of 20 due to its rarity and the difficulty of working with the metal.   Example Items Aeonite Armor Aeonite Light Armor (Level 12)   Price: 60,000 credits EAC Bonus: +14 KAC Bonus: +16 Max Dex Bonus: +5 Armor Check Penalty: -1 Speed Adjustment: — Upgrade Slots: 3 Bulk: 1 Special Properties: Mystical Resonance: +1 bonus to the DC of spells and spell-like abilities cast while wearing the armor. Energy Amplification: Energy resistance 5 to all energy types (fire, cold, electricity, acid, and sonic). Ethereal Resistance: +2 bonus on saving throws against ethereal and incorporeal effects. Lightweight: Weighs 75% of the weight of standard armor. Aeonite Heavy Armor (Level 15)   Price: 150,000 credits EAC Bonus: +19 KAC Bonus: +22 Max Dex Bonus: +3 Armor Check Penalty: -3 Speed Adjustment: -5 ft. Upgrade Slots: 4 Bulk: 2 Special Properties: Mystical Resonance: +1 bonus to the DC of spells and spell-like abilities cast while wearing the armor. Energy Amplification: Energy resistance 10 to all energy types (fire, cold, electricity, acid, and sonic). Ethereal Resistance: +2 bonus on saving throws against ethereal and incorporeal effects. Lightweight: Weighs 75% of the weight of standard armor. Aeonite Weapons Aeonite Longsword (Level 10)   Price: 25,000 credits Damage: 1d8 slashing + 1d6 energy damage (choose one: fire, cold, electricity, or sonic) Critical: Bleed 1d6 Bulk: 1 Special Properties: Mystical Resonance: +1 bonus to the DC of spells and spell-like abilities channeled through the weapon. Energy Amplification: Adds 1d6 energy damage to each attack. Ethereal Resistance: +2 bonus on saving throws against ethereal and incorporeal effects. Lightweight: Weighs 75% of the weight of a standard longsword. Aeonite Plasma Rifle (Level 12)     Price: 75,000 credits Damage: 4d8 energy damage (fire & electricity) Critical: Burn 2d8 Range: 120 ft. Capacity: 40 charges Usage: 2 charges per shot Bulk: 1 Special Properties: Mystical Resonance: +1 bonus to the DC of spells and spell-like abilities channeled through the rifle. Energy Amplification: Adds 1d6 energy damage to each shot. Ethereal Resistance: +2 bonus on saving throws against ethereal and incorporeal effects. Lightweight: Weighs 75% of the weight of a standard plasma rifle.  


  Description: Temporalium is a metallic alloy infused with the very essence of the time stream itself. Its surface appears to ripple and warp, giving the impression of staring into a distorted reflection of reality. Properties: Temporalium is highly sought after for its ability to anchor objects within the time stream, preventing them from being affected by temporal disturbances. Weapons forged from Temporalium can strike true even in the most chaotic of temporal environments, bypassing temporal anomalies and disturbances to strike at their intended targets. Armor made from Temporalium provides unparalleled protection against temporal manipulation, allowing the wearer to resist attempts to alter their personal timeline. Lore: The secrets of Temporalium are closely guarded by those who understand its true value. It is said that entire civilizations have risen and fallen in their quest to control its power, with some believing that possession of Temporalium could grant mastery over time itself.  


Description: Xyronium is a luminescent metal with a shifting, iridescent surface that seems to pulse with energy. It is incredibly rare, found only in the heart of Time storms or within the remnants of cataclysmic cosmic events. Properties: Xyronium possesses unparalleled conductivity, capable of channeling and amplifying energy in ways previously unimaginable. It is sought after for its ability to power advanced technological devices and augment the capabilities of starships and weapons. Xyronium-infused armor can absorb and dissipate energy attacks, providing unparalleled protection against plasma cannons and other high-energy weapons. : Potential Applications: Xyronium's unparalleled conductivity makes it invaluable for powering advanced technological devices and augmenting the capabilities of starships and weapons. It could be used to create highly efficient energy storage systems, power sources for experimental propulsion systems, or cutting-edge energy weapons capable of devastating firepower. Lore: Legend has it that Xyronium is the remnant of an ancient cosmic entity that existed before the birth of the universe itself. Some believe that it contains fragments of primordial energy, imbuing it with its unique properties. Others claim that it is the key to unlocking the secrets of the universe and transcending the limitations of mortal existence.  


Description: Aurorium is a shimmering, translucent metal that emits a soft, ethereal glow reminiscent of the auroras that dance across distant planets. It is found only in the outer reaches of the time stream, where the fabric of reality is thin and the boundaries between dimensions blur. Properties: Aurorium is imbued with the essence of the multiverse itself, granting it the ability to manipulate space and time. It is prized for its use in crafting advanced starship drives capable of traversing vast distances in the blink of an eye. Weapons forged from Aurorium can distort the fabric of space around their targets, causing spatial anomalies and rifts to tear through enemy vessels. Lore: According to ancient texts and prophesies, Aurorium is said to be the key to unlocking the secrets of the multiverse and transcending the limitations of mortal existence. Some believe that it holds the power to reshape reality itself, while others fear its use could unravel the very fabric of existence.  

Nanocarbon Alloy (NCA)

Description: Nanocarbon Alloy is a revolutionary material formed through advanced nanotechnology processes. It is composed of a lattice of carbon nanotubes interwoven with metallic nanoparticles, resulting in a material that is incredibly lightweight, durable, and versatile. Properties: NCA is known for its exceptional strength-to-weight ratio, making it ideal for constructing lightweight yet durable structures, components, and devices. It exhibits excellent electrical conductivity and heat dissipation properties, making it suitable for use in advanced electronics, heat sinks, and energy storage systems. Additionally, NCA's nanoscale structure provides inherent resistance to corrosion and wear, extending the lifespan of equipment and reducing maintenance requirements. Applications: NCA is used in a wide range of tech items, including high-performance spacecraft components, advanced robotics, energy-efficient electronics, medical implants, and exoskeletons. Its versatility and durability make it a staple material in many TL 7+ technologies.  

Quantum-infused Alloy (QIA)

Description: Quantum-infused Alloy is a cutting-edge material infused with quantum particles that exhibit unique quantum entanglement properties. It is synthesized through sophisticated quantum engineering processes, resulting in a material that defies classical physical laws and offers unparalleled performance. Properties: QIA harnesses the principles of quantum mechanics to achieve remarkable properties such as superconductivity, superfluidity, and quantum entanglement. It can conduct electricity with zero resistance, enabling the creation of ultra-efficient electrical systems and high-performance computing devices. QIA also exhibits extraordinary mechanical properties, such as self-healing capabilities and shape memory effects, allowing it to adapt to changing conditions and repair itself when damaged. Applications: QIA finds applications in advanced computing systems, quantum processors, quantum communication devices, superconducting magnets, and quantum propulsion systems. Its unique quantum properties enable the development of next-generation technologies that push the boundaries of what is possible in the realms of computation, communication, and transportation.  

Plasma-forged Titanium (PFT)

Description: Plasma-forged Titanium is a specialized alloy produced through a proprietary plasma metallurgy process. It combines the lightweight and corrosion-resistant properties of titanium with enhanced strength and resilience, resulting in a material that is well-suited for demanding applications in extreme environments. Properties: PFT exhibits exceptional strength, hardness, and heat resistance, making it highly resistant to deformation, fatigue, and thermal degradation. Its unique microstructure, formed through controlled plasma heating and cooling cycles, provides superior mechanical properties compared to conventional titanium alloys. PFT also retains titanium's natural resistance to corrosion and chemical attack, ensuring long-term durability in harsh conditions. Applications: PFT is used in a variety of high-performance tech items, including aerospace components, spacecraft hulls, high-speed vehicles, military armor, industrial machinery, and cutting-edge medical implants. Its combination of strength, lightweight, and corrosion resistance makes it an ideal material for applications where reliability and performance are paramount.