Injuries and Medical Coverage in Ghuant | World Anvil

Injuries and Medical Coverage

You just rolled an Injury on one of the many tables now what do you?   Below are the various events that cover an Injury. Some are permanent some are not.   tr] tr]
Roll the dice 2d6 Injury
10 - 11 You have been Killed. roll 1d6 1 See Military Cyborg 2-3. Your mind is put into a Mutated Animal 4-5. Your mind is put into a Mutated Plants 6. Dead sorry.
12 Both your arms were blown off. Can replace them with cybernetics. 2d6 to Strenght unless replaced Ends Term THE THOUSAND YARD STARE
13 Both legs were taken by the hit. Can replace them with cybernetics. -2d6 to Dex unless Replaced Ends Term POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS
14 1 limb of your choice (arm or leg) is lost. Can replace them with cybernetics. -1d6 to Str or Dex (Arm or Leg)
15 Your left foot is destroyed. Lose 15 off-land movements unless replaced. -1d4 Dex
16-20 One arm is badly damaged and is unusable. lose 1d6 Str With the right magic and drugs can recover from use. Cant use two-handed weapons until healed
21 Lose an Eye. -2 on the spot and any sight-based skill checks. -1d6 Dex THE THOUSAND YARD STARE
22 Your face is scared to lose 1d6 off Cha, get +2 Intimidate skill
23 Your head was hit HARD, -1d6 off Int and Wis. No impact on Skill points.
24 The heart is damaged and needs a pacemaker to continue. -1d6 to Con POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS
25 Your leg took off at knee. -1d6 Dex POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS
26-30 Psionicist blasts you doing 1d6 damage to Int and Wis. Can be healed by psionics healing only
31-36 Unharmed but must make a Wis DC 15 when even gunfire goes off near you or flee. Can spend the rest of the Term and next working on this so can continue in the Career, else must muster out at the end of this Term (and be untreated and unable to join any combat career)
37-41 You make an unexpected discovery of ancient tech. It takes your arm but merges with you to replace it. Has Built in TL8 weapon in the arm but is Soultech
42-46 You are captured and interrogated by the enemy. When the examed found perm tech in your arm, they had to remove the arm. lose 1d6 Str POST-TRAUMATIC STRESS gained
47-49 You hit your head hard 1d6 lose off Int and Wis
50-52 You feel ok and somehow you make a full recovery. Weeks later you start to hear voices, a psion who was killed near you jumped into your brain. You can try to get him out and work with him to share your body. If work with him roll 2d6+6 for his Psi power then follow normal rules to find out what he knows, working with GM. 
53-60 Lightly injured. No permanent effect
61 Lost an internal organ but can live without it. You need to eat double to cover the loss (food costs 50% higher)
62 You volunteer for an experimental treatment that will completely heal you. It works but uses high levels of radiation Roll 3 times on Major table Mutation Rules table.
63 They put in a symbiont to heal you, then it won't leave, You have a Symbionts now.
64 They found an ancient tech that heals, they try it on you and heal you completely of the wound. Weeks later you start to feel strange. Roll twice on positive Table IV mutations and once on negative Table 2.
65 They ask to try a new tech on you. If agree you gain stats but you still are left with -1 on one stat. If don't agree they use normal means and are fully healed.
66 You are not only healed of this injury but all other injuries up to this point.

Injury Crisis

  If any characteristic is reduced to 0, then the character suffers an injury crisis. The character dies unless he can pay 1d6 x 10,000 credits for medical care, which will bring any characteristics back up to 1. The character automatically fails any Qualification checks from now on – he must either continue in the career he is in or become a Drifter if he wishes to take any more terms.   Medical Care: If your character has been injured, then medical care may be able to undo the effects of damage. The restoration of lost characteristics costs 5,000 Credits per point. If your character was injured in the service of a patron or organization, then a portion of his medical care may be paid for by that patron. Roll 2d6 on the table below, adding your Rank as a DM. The result is how much of his medical care is paid for by his employer.
Career Roll of 4+ Roll of 8+ Roll of 12+
Army/Navy/Marines 75% 100% 100%
Agent/Nobility/Scholar/Entertainer/Merchant/Citizen 50% 75% 100%
Scout/Rogue/Drifter/Computer Nerd 0% 50% 75%
Medical Debt: During finishing touches, you must pay any outstanding costs from medical care or anagathic drugs out of your Benefits before anything else.  

Replacement of Lost Limbs

You can get your limb replaced by cybernetics following is covered by your employer:
Career Up to Rank 3 Enlisted Rank 5 Enlisted Officer
Army/Navy/Marines 50% 100% 100%
Agent/Nobility/Scholar/Entertainer/Merchant/Citizen 25% 75% 100%
Scout/Rogue/Drifter/ Computer Nerd 0% 50% 75%
They will not pay for upgrades like weapons and such, but the basic unit to be installed in you. You MUST stay the full four terms or have to pay this back.