Grommash, the Rampaging Titan C-E Intermediate Troll in Ghuant | World Anvil

Grommash, the Rampaging Titan C-E Intermediate Troll

Grommash, the Rampaging Titan:
  Description: Grommash, known as the Rampaging Titan, is a deity embodying the primal forces of strength, rage, and conquest. As an intermediate deity, Grommash holds significant influence over domains of strength, rage, and conquest. He is worshipped by warriors, berserkers, and tyrants who seek to dominate through brute force and unrestrained aggression.
  Strength Rage Conquest
  Followers: Followers of Grommash are drawn to his power and ferocity, including barbarians, warlords, and those who revel in chaos and destruction. They worship the Rampaging Titan as a patron of warriors and conquerors, seeking to emulate his brutal strength and unyielding determination in battle. Grommash's teachings emphasize the importance of embracing one's primal instincts, unleashing the fury within, and crushing all who stand in the way of conquest.
  Embrace Strength: Grommash teaches that strength is the only true measure of worth in the world. His followers are encouraged to cultivate their physical prowess through rigorous training and combat, seeking to become paragons of martial perfection. Embrace Rage: Followers of Grommash are taught to embrace their inner rage and unleash it upon their enemies without mercy or restraint. They revel in the heat of battle, channeling their fury into devastating blows that leave their foes broken and bloodied. Seek Conquest: Grommash's followers are driven by an insatiable thirst for conquest and domination. They view the world as a battlefield, ripe for the taking, and they are willing to crush anyone who stands in the way of their ambitions. Symbols:
  A clenched fist, symbolizing the brute strength and unyielding resolve of Grommash and his followers. A raging inferno, representing the primal fury and unbridled aggression of the Rampaging Titan. Temples and Shrines: Temples and shrines dedicated to Grommash are often found in war-torn lands, where the echoes of battle mingle with the cries of the slain. These grim sanctuaries serve as gathering places for Grommash's followers, where they conduct dark rituals and offer sacrifices in homage to the Rampaging Titan.
  Legend: According to myth, Grommash emerged from the heart of a raging storm, his thunderous footsteps shaking the earth and his roars echoing across the heavens. He is said to be a relentless force of destruction, leaving a trail of chaos and devastation in his wake. Now, as the Rampaging Titan, he rules over his domain with an iron fist, his followers spreading fear and terror wherever they go. Those who oppose him do so at their own peril, for Grommash brooks no defiance and crushes all who stand in his way.