Lady Alessandra the Wise Character in Ghemjana | World Anvil
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Lady Alessandra the Wise

Lady Alessandra (a.k.a. The Wise)

Lady Alessandra is a tall elven woman in her middle age, with golden hair, kept long, gray eyes and a slender build.  She is well liked in her community and is active in running the affairs of her city, with the help of her Small Council.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Very physically fit, with a slender form and long legs.

Body Features

High cheek bones and sharply pointed ears.  Long fingernails, filed to points and brightly painted.

Facial Features

Angular eyebrows and a small mouth, with a slightly hooked nose

Physical quirks

Lady Alessandra prefers to be barefoot most of the time, unless in an area requiring hard soled boots, such as an industrial center or forge.

Apparel & Accessories

Lady Alessandra dislikes wearing too much clothing, claiming the heat of the desert cloys at her.  Instead, she prefers to wear silk skirts and sheer blouses with a few gold bangles on her arms.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lady Alessandra comes from the world of Greyhawk, a world far from Ghemjana. She made her way to Ghemjana via a Spelljammer ship, just in time to see the Empire of the Elves collapse.  From there, she worked as a mage and adventurer for a while, until she and her companions led a rebellion against the former Tyrant of Yynaria and set herself up as a benevolent dictator of the city.  She formed the Tri-Cities alliance with the other two pyramid cities, creating a powerful and profitable conglomerate.

Gender Identity





Lady Alessandra admits to having a very poor formal education, growing up in the wild land of Greyhawk. This has spurred her to create and fund centers of learning within her own city, and can be seen herself taking courses with other students.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  1. Conquered Yynaria and set herself up as ruler.
  2. Created the Tri-Cities Alliance
  3. Funded the Yynaria Public Library 
  4. Funded three universities in Yynaria, including the High Wizard's College

Intellectual Characteristics

Lady Alessandra has a tendency to use very common vernacular in her speech, and stiff, formal vernacular in her writing.

Morality & Philosophy

Generous to the poor, and a champion for women's health. She owns two brothels in Yynaria and is a member of the Courtesan's Guild.


Lady Alessandra has banned scrying spells, zone of truth spells and such to be used on people in Yynaria, except in cases involving criminal investigations, as she believes these are infringements against a right to privacy.

Personality Characteristics

Likes & Dislikes

Loves shaved ice


Extremely clean, bathes twice a day at the public baths, and will often hold council meetings while in her private bath.


Contacts & Relations

Founding member of the Tri-City Alliance

Religious Views

Nominally declares worship to the elven pantheon, privately thinks they're all quite stuffy and silly. Very tolerant of other religions, even those that worship fiends or other creatures of the outer planes.

Social Aptitude

Very charismatic and always seen with a smile on her face


Polite, though a bit coarse to some. Enjoys a good handshake, a good mug of ale, and isn't above sealing a deal by bedding the participants.

Hobbies & Pets

Enjoys dice and throwing axes. Isn't very good, she admits, but greatly enjoys it.


Soft, but unrefined with a slight accent.

Wealth & Financial state

Extremely wealthy, being the sole rule of the largest Pyramid City and controller of the River Barges
Current Status
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Lady of Yynaria.
  • Tyrant 
  • Lord of the Rivers
Gray, large and open
Long, golden blonde and very straight
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Olive Skinned with a fair complexion
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Yynaria is a home to all who wish peace and freedom from oppression. All are welcome here, no matter their past." "Sex is natural and beautiful, why are people so ashamed of their bodies?" "I don't care much for the hyper-religious. They're always carrying on about 'this is evil' and 'this is good', instead of asking, 'is this helpful'."
Corellon Larethian
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
  • Common
  • Elvish
  • Infernal
  • Draconic
Ruled Locations

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