Erene Settlement in Getninia | World Anvil


Erene is an almost-abandoned hamlet in the Sarendian Trust, it's population having mostly left for the more prosperous Erintrel or guild-controlled towns elsewhere in the Trust.
A shrine that hasn't been tended to by a custodian in what looks like centuries. Speckling the rolling landscape are the mostly abandoned homes, their wood greyed out from exposure to the elements and time. Thick vines grow up the side of ancient buildings of a bygone imperial era, as if the ground itself was consuming them, pulling their sunken foundations into the earth.

Important Locations

  • Yondar Ancestral Home. Located in the center of the settlement, the ancestral home is a three-storey Erintrene estatehouse, common to former imperial bureaucrats and other high ranking officials, which the Braelyn family used to be part of, before being expelled for their politics.
  • Shrine to Yīra'īllī. Dedicated to the Yīra of democracy, Braelin has taken the role of Shrine Custodian and spends most of his trances in the shrine.
  • The Running Tortle. In theory, the settlement's tavern and inn, although visitors are so rare, mostly family and friends of the few residents who don't have space for guests, that it's owner keeps it closed most of the year.
  • The Ghost Town. The largest of the locations in Erene, consisting of the abandoned districts and structures of the city of Erene, whose population once numbered in the tens of thousands.


The inhabitants of Erene are entirely Western Feloran elves, mostly the service staff of the estate of the High Senator, followed by several of Braelin Yòndàr's closest political confidants/allies, and lastly his friends. There are a few others in Erene, other leftovers from the Erintrene Republic or rejects from the Sarendian Trust, who work the nearby rice paddies and hunt the local game to sustain the settlement, although most residents take part in all aspects of life. It is not likely that the population will linger when the former High Senator finally passes, and Erene will become another Feloran ruin.


Keeping with Yondar's idealistic republicanism, the hamlet has no government beyond the Assembly, an event that can be called by any resident for practically any reason. One must be living in the community for 2 years before being allowed to take part in any of the decisions made in the Assembly, but they may take part in deliberations and debate. Erene taxes the local inn, making revenue off of the once modest trade route to Daramar.


The settlement has a Master of the Watch, who is tasked with the security and defense of those living there. At times, the Master may call upon the hamlet's residents to certain tasks, and the nearby mining guild settlement has a jail that Erene has used at times.

Industry & Trade

Erene is along the westernmost trade route into the Kingdom of Daramar, although it is rarely used in the modern day. The low population and relative remoteness of Erene relative to the rest of the inhabited parts of the Trust mean only a few intrepid or local traders come to and from the hamlet. Most of the population works to sustain themselves, with those skilled in various crafts or talents working in them when time arises or neccessity dictates.


Erene does not have much by the way of working infrastructure. The plumbing and lighting system only work in 10% of the standing structures.

Guilds and Factions

Erene's skilled tradesfolk are each members of their prospective professional guilds, however there is no more than two of the same tradesfolk residing in the settlement, and none of them can really wield any power over the others. Though not in the hamlet, the Sarendian Mining Guild has been muscling in on the settlement, pressuring it's residents to accept protection from the guild and buying up vacant plots of land in the abandoned city. Most suspect the guild wants to tunnel underneath the city infrastructure, but cannot do so while risking the lives of the few who still reside above.


After the dissolution of the Erintrene Republic, former High Senator Yòndàr retreated from public life and took up residence in the ancestral home of his family, who had been influential in the town's politics for centuries, holding meetings and organising broader efforts to reform the Empire into a Republic. Many of his closest friends and fervent supporters moved with him, establishing Erene in the abandoned Feloran town. For 250 years, the town survived modestly off of the trade generated by the road to the Kingdom of Daramar, however over the last several decades the Kingdom has become closed off, and with it trade has dropped off. The now-hamlet has been in steady decline for the last 20 years, and the trend shows no sign of a reversal.


Erene is on the Fliraf Ledge, a shelf of land that gradually rises into the Vhaelhest Mountains, which seperate the Trust from the Kingdom of Daramar. It is flat on a slow incline, with the town's north slightly higher than the south.
Founding Date
Inhabitant Demonym
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Owning Organization
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