The Silent Colossus Geographic Location in Geshkara | World Anvil

The Silent Colossus

The Silent Colossus is a large east-west mountain range in the far north of Sossis. It separates the Vrilis Tundra and larger Sayedic Plain from Sky's End at the far north Sossis. A poorly understood place, it is extraordinarily inhospitable and far away from civilisation. As such, it is subject to much myth. In Dvekmenu myth, it's believed the range formed on top of the bodies of one of the Gromy, a race of giants that fought the gods in the age of myth. This story gave rise to the name once used to refer to the White Crest, but was later applied to this mountain range instead, likely due to its sheer size. The range is home to Mount Tyabraz, the highest peak in Oecumene and fifth most prominent peak on Geshkara at 6,290 metres.


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