Life of the Shant Saddhu Document in Geshkara | World Anvil

Life of the Shant Saddhu

The Sage then went into the country of the ahenobarbi. There the people made him sleep among the animals as they knew not the customs of hospitality. There the animals whispered into his dreams, the pigs & the goats & the cattle & even the mice & rats & fleas & other creatures which are vermin. The voice of the Prince spoke in silence. In its not, is it found:— And when he awoke, the Sage found this was without exception. He went to the town square and began speaking, drawing a crowd to hear his words. I have come and now I must leave, as what seek shall not be found so long as looking. I call upon those who do not seek to change their ways that they might find, and those who seek to change that they might not. Upon hearing these words did one of the ahenobarbi departeth with the sage and after the breaking of the payn did the ahenobarbus became his companion.   Yea did the Five and Three make one and it was SHAMT. Ever covered did none find it until the Sage, and was it found by not seeking, for he did not turneth over the stone which it was beneath, but did the stone yield and seem as it was not there, that SHAMT might be heard in silence where it had always been. The Sage knew that SHAMT could not be moved from where it was, and so he would have to keep near it always, peering through the world-illusion where-ever he went.   The Prince was in the garments of the kynge of rape, and he said unto the Sage the secrete word XROSHTAG, and the Sage replied PADVAXTAG. To this the Prince in costume replied SHAMT, the most secrete word of the godlore and sacred syllable of all-knowinge and all-beinge, and the sage did become enlightened upon hearing it. They did repeateth their spar of words until their images were tired, and the Prince then spake unto him in their ache. Thou art come to learneth and to teach, but after thee shall cometh a Kynge to rule. Done is his will by ones and twos and threes. By thirty paces does the earth bend before him, and by one stroke of his sword and then another. His blood sets into numbers as it falls to the earth, and by those numbers shall thee know him. Thou shall not findeth him in thy tantra, and he shall cut holes in thy cloth and breaketh thy loom over the rock. He will have been a friend to thee and a brother but shall thine ruin come from the jealous and the dumb who heareth the secrete words but knoweth not their meanings.   The Ahenobarbus was the first he taught SHAMT.   Aye did the Sage see the hand of fate, but it was behind an invisible barrier which needed an incalculable effort to pass through. By meditation upon the secrete words of the godlore was this task given thought and meaning and did he seize from fate's hand the loom from which it spun its thread, and he did call it tantra. He weaved patterns and circles & squares & loops of string as had been the way of eternal return upon the back of the Father where rode the defiant Prince and it was shaped in words and within these words could be found the sacred syllable SHAMT and within this syllable could be found all other words.   And so the Sage was seized up and taken to a gaol which was ruled by a false warden.   The false warden struck a fire in a lanthorn and cast dark light upon the gaol which did stynge the tender mind-beinge of the Sage.   In the land Keth the Sage was set upon by a crowd. One half asked him to rid them of their local lord while the other pleaded not to heed these calls. Among this crowd was a man with one eye, and the Sage saw a jagged crown of sunlight about his head. The sage took this man to him and his name was Cyrus. Cyrus urged they leave the lord alone but neither crowd would disperse. The Sage killed them by the secret ways of the seven circles he had learned by SHAMT, and the place was left covered in blank faced bodies, and the lord was left to rule over them.   They climbed up to the place where the moon touched the earth, which was guarded by Samum. Samum was powerful and could not be bested in a fight as It could fly, so the Sage endeavoured to trick it. The Sage went before Samum and It demanded that he prostrateth himself before it. He replied by asking how he would know It was truly Samum, as only Samum would be worth bowing before. Samum offered to show him wind, and when It did, the Sage captured it into a jar. Furious, Samum began to attack the sage, but without wind, it could not fly. Cyrus and the ahenobarbus took to its ankles with their tabars and cut. The ahenobarbus was hit by a spray of poison ichor as it sprang from Samum, and was weakened. The Sage spake the sacred syllable SHAMT over and through itself and by solid sound and silence was Samum killed, and Its poison blood seeped into the earth below It and Its soul entered the mountain.   When the Sage had sight of this affair, he began to weep for his dying companion, and in grief, he began to weep. He wept with such fury it gathered the clouds and the heavens began to weep with rain for the falling of the great souls to the earth. The rain had come upon the land and the sun was hidden, so the Sage released the wind from the jar and the clouds were blown away. As the rain dryed and the clouds began to lighten, they looked and saw the wyrmes erupt from the earth. A canticle came upon them, and it was the ahenobarbus who spake it.
The stars burned out.
They came down upon us,
One by one.
But one would not fall,
And one would still slumber.
Awaken, oh sleeper.
Our music shall untune the sky,
Shatter the sky,
Rend it open.
And in a sunless realm,
The sun shall rise at last.

And by this aria did the sun did cometh at last from behind the lighted clouds and light was upon the earth again. And when the light touched the ahenobarbus, he was dead. The ahenobarbus' soul did enter the mountain and becometh of equall measure to that of Samum. The wyrmes returned to the earth and drank the venom and encysted into its crust to warden from escape.     Cyrus spake the words of man, deaf now to the tones of SHAMT. I am born of the earth, so I am against those thynges of the stars. My nature is of two, but it is one. I am both the Five and the Three. The Prince is my father and the Prince is the Father.   Upon hearing these words, the Sage split into images and he was child & man & woman & thynge. He seized Cyrus and took his jagged crown from his head in his right hand. In this hand do I forsake thee. I crush the crown and shall hand wither and die and temple be left destitute and without recourse. I am the fourthe & the sixthe & the first. I am the one that shall sleepeth at the centre as it whirls overhead. Thou art the one that will lay bride to the Prince, and this is why I shall arm the merciful with the secrete daggers. Thou shalt be catenated and bound that I might slumber still, meditating upon the godlore and the beginning of the words. The circles will become spheres and they shall roll unheeded as the spawn of your loins turn mad and dark-eyed as the stars and sun turn anon from them. They shall be blind & deaf & and stupid, and this shall be thy progeny and thy legacy. Thou hast forsaken and are forsaken by the godlore, by the Three, and thou forgetest the wording which was by all and of all.   As he said the sacred word, the pointed jewels of light fell from his hand in implication and the two inherited differrent the event. Cyrus, who was now called by seven names, became the root of the gloamed dynasty and his shadows would be kyngemaker within the penumbra, living between the stars and the clay mud while the sage would glyde about on the ghost bones with the star people.   The seven named heeded not his chastisement and the Sage's fury, but instead fell back to his stronghold of the knowledge of man and refused to offer that which might bring him to understanding by leaving. Only by softness can one grow stronger. And this is love, for in love what is but vulnerability. In these words is doom, and the seven named had turned away from SHAMT and from his love for the Sage.   And he went beyond the venom wildes to a place called Metlan, where the star people still lived and spake by song and by whistle and who lived in the ghost bones and went from place to place by boat. Here he learned from the star people the magicks good and tainted, and he could do so for he had known SHAMT. He brought these magicks back with him and he spread them among the people. Then he went again to the place where the moon touched the earth, where Samum and the ahenobarbus had died and their souls intermingled in the mountain, and where the Sage could be closest to the left hand of sin. Here did he fashion the pipes of discord, and he set to them that they might bring the Sage to earth once again. From the souls of his former friend & enemy he gave them power, and he remembered the words of the ahenobarbus who had spake them long ago.   Upon the penumbra of the day shall my progeny pronounce the return of the sage. He shall sing-speak the spell words spake here in ages past which did the rain drive away and the wyrmes of the earth drive back. The song-spell shall bringeth back the wyrmes from their sleep, and sage & ghost bones shall return and they are called Smaragdina, for they are made of the noble emerald which hideth SHAMT. Here shall he take the clothes of the kynge of rape and shall by this method pronounce XROSHTAG and shall PADVAXTAG follow in suit in the final enactment of the ancient duel and the erasure of sin.   And in these words did reality tremble in anticipation of the final event which would unword the wording of the godlore and unbegin the beginning and the coda of everythynge would commence again forever and nevermore. This is the testament of the Silent Sage and of his egg & bones & ashes. Shall come the day of rage. Let thyself taketh these words and meditate upon them, pronouncing in silence the words of the godlore. SHAMT


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