The Industrial Revoultion in Generic Fantasy World #10 | World Anvil
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The Industrial Revoultion

The Industrial Revolution is the name commonly used to refer to the last sixty years of rapid technological and industrial development. It has seen the rapid replacement of hand manufacturing methods with the use of modern industrial techniques, led to rapid urbanisation, and fundamentally changed the fabric of the world.   The Industrial Revolution started in Kalrenya on the northern coast of Schek'pui around 1560 with the development of the first pratical steam engines. These technologies then spread along the trade routes in the Great Blue as they were adapted and used by successive nations. The presence of different technologies varies from place to place due to the uneven spread of technology.   The Industrial Revolution has caused dramatic shifts in the social fabric of the world. The old aristocracy has come into conflict with a rising class of industrialists and an ever more empowered social class. The advent of mass production has also allowed a flattening of previously strict social classes. Firearm developments stemming from the Rreile have allowed for the mass adoption of firearms across the world. This means that in previously stratified religions the lower classes were able to compete with the power of the elites.    

Technological Developments


Technological developments have allowed for a massive acceleration of transportation. The construction and improvement of inland water ways have allowed for the rapid transportation of goods overland. Additionally, railways have allowed people and goods to be moved at speed unconcievable before. This had led to a massive decrease in the price of goods due to decrease transportation costs.  


The early development of the steam engine has been applied, although in a limited fashion, to the shipping industry as well. While the majority of ships still rely primarily on wind power to travel, many ships will still carry back up steam engines in case of emergency or to accelerate journeys. Additionally, in the last 10 years primarily steam powered shipping vessels have begun to appear.  


Railways have allowed for the rapid movement of goods and people overland. While the the vast oceans of Jes're mean that trains hold only a secondary role in the transportation of goods and people, they have allowed settlements in the interior to expand due to an increased ability to move goods to the coast for shipment.  


Modern manufactoring techniques have allowed for dramatic increases in the rate of goods production. This has allowed productions like clothes, furtinure, steel, and concrete, among others, to be produced in quantities previously impossible. The increased access has made goods more accessible, and allowed the production of finished goods to flurish.      

Economic Effects

The Industrial Revolution has led to a rapid increase in the standard of living for the middle and upper class. Industrialization has allowed for the mass manufacture of goods and consequentially a dramatic decrease in the cost of goods and services. This has allowed the middle and upper class to consume luxury goods such as clothes and furniture.   On the other hand, many industrial laborers have seen a decrease in standard of living. In industrial cities, workers generally tend to live close to the factories, living in cramp conditions in areas of heavy pollution. There have been noted decreases in the life expectancy of urban workers compared to their rural counterparts.  

Geopolitical Effects

The advent of industrialization has led to massive change in the geopolitical landscape of the world. It has dramatically shifted the balance of power where the winners of industrialization have been able to use their new found wealth and power to influence and control minor powers. Major powers have used their power to force open markets in which they can sell their goods and buy raw materials. They have also begun to set up colonial small colonial ventures to trade with native peoples for rare resources.  

Industry, Social, and Religion

Social effects

The advent of industrialization and particularly the proliferation has led to dramatic changes in the social fabric of Jes're. In traditionally stratified religions, it has allowed the common folk a means to power that negates the use of channeling. The prototypical example of this is the Kaklebein Revolution, in which the people of Kaklebein were able to take advantage of firearms to overthrow the previous government, where cultural and religious practices had limited the ability to channel to the religious and political elite.   The advent of industrialization has also meant that the traditional aristocratic elite has had to compete with industrialists and a rising middle class for power. With the advent of new technologies and industries, many of the industrialists who backed those innovations have grow fabulously wealthy. While the reaction to this has varied between cultures, it generally leds to an attempt by the previous elite to entrench their power. Some common techniques include heavy taxation of new businesses and preventing anyone not of a noble house from being involved in the government.   The rising middle class has also been a challenge. The growth of industry has allowed the development of a middle class of merchants, administrators, and business people. The middle and upper classes tend to clash over upwards mobility, with the upper class attempting the ability of the middle and working class to join them.  

Effect of Industry on Religion

The effects of industry on religion have been varied. In religions where channeling could be used to supplement industrial techniques, particularly religions with elements of pyromancy or metalurgy, the role of the respective churches and religious leaders has been strengthed due to a new found role in society. This has allowed religions to gain a new level of control and influence over their respective societies, and has even, at times, changed the primary religious makeup of regions.   On the other hand, the Industrial Revolution has also led to the outright extinction of certain religions. The effect has been particarly present in traditionally stratified religions, where the expanded access to leveling technologies has allowed previously downtrodded classes to be able to overthrow the old political elite. These areas also tend to see a wave of atheism or even antitheism follow in their wake, which philosophers have pinned on the use of religion as a means to control basically leaving a bad taste it the mouth of the people.


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