Ilaera Liatháin Character in Geldora | World Anvil

Ilaera Liatháin

Ilaera Liatháin

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ilaera hails from a roaming group of elves who never stay in one place too long. From Ebonwood Forest to the Crystal Basin, she has traveled all over Midvar. Her mother fell in love with a human man, a scholar in his own right, who was permitted to travel with the group for a time. Ilaera recalls her early childhood years being filled with light and laughter, as well as knowledge and scholarly pursuits under the guidence of her father. The elders of her clan, however, grew tired of carting around a human, and when Ilaera was 10, they sent him on his way - with no protest from Evine, her mother. He left angry, hurt and betrayed. As she studied, she came across texts depicting Sehanine, the Moonweaver - deity of love, moonlight, autumn, and patron of illusions. Ilaera believed that if she followed Sehanine, she might learn how to bring her parents together once more. She took to magic during this time as well, studying simple spells and rituals, but never quite reaching the kind of power she coveted. Years later, her clan had decided to settle down - begining the return to the Florindel to rejoin elven society. Ilaera was, as an "ill-born", not permitted to join them. Once again, her mother said nothing to dissuade the elders of her banishment. Indignant, she set out to find her father, traveling to large cities where she suspected he might be studying. Unfortunately, he found her clan first as they made their way back to Numenthas. He was scorned, years of anger and pain stewing had made him vengeful, vindictive. He hired a group of mercinaries and set out to wipe out her clan - which he accomplished, though in the process, got himself killed as well. Ilaera learned of this weeks later, and became mad with grief. She went into hiding, seccluding herself from the world for years, and in that time her grief pushed her magic further than ever - so much so that an Archfey took notice. Offered her a deal. Ilaera emerged a different person in the end, though still wears the facade of her old self. She made her way to a city plunged into chaos: Grimgate.

After spending years wracked by grief on her own in the wilds, Ilaera has decided to re-enter the world. She is chaotic and follows her own whims, while struggling to retain some semblance of the person she was before.

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Chaotic Neutral
29 years old
Teal blue
Black with purple/blue tints
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Fair and freckled