Vexa Shanksnarl Character in Geldora | World Anvil

Vexa Shanksnarl

Vexa Shanksnarl (a.k.a. Shadow Whisper)

Vexa Shanksnarl, also known as the Shadow Whisper, is a cunning and enigmatic goblin who holds sway in the shadows of the city's underworld, particularly within the clandestine halls of a well-known brothel. With her alluring charm, nimble fingers, and cryptic tattoos, Vexa is a master of Thieves Cant, using her network of secrets to navigate the intricate dance of intrigue. Though she maintains an air of playfulness, her guarded nature and relentless pursuit of power suggest that beneath the flirtatious facade lies a goblin with ambitions that reach far beyond the dimly lit corners of the brothel.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Vexa Shanksnarl's Thieves Cant tattoos are an intricate network of cryptic symbols, discreetly etched into her moss-green goblin skin. Delicately woven into the existing tapestry of her intricate tattoos, these symbols convey a silent language known only to those initiated into the clandestine world of the city's underworld. The tattoos, hidden in plain sight, serve as a covert means of communication among fellow rogues and informants.   Among the inked patterns, subtle motifs represent common Thieves Cant messages, ranging from warnings of danger to indications of potential opportunities. A spiderweb might signify intricate plans, while a hidden dagger could suggest danger nearby. The tattoos are strategically placed on areas often exposed during interactions within the brothel, allowing Vexa to seamlessly relay information or receive messages without arousing suspicion.   These Thieves Cant tattoos not only enhance Vexa's streetwise image but also serve as a testament to her proficiency in the language of shadows, where the art of subtlety can be just as powerful as a well-placed blade.



Her smiles are never straightforward; they carry an enigmatic quality, leaving others to wonder about the thoughts or secrets that might be concealed behind the playfulness of her expressions. Vexa moves with a certain grace and agility, her steps measured and purposeful. Every movement seems deliberate, adding to the allure of her mysterious persona.    Her voice carries a playful and seductive tone, perfectly calibrated to engage others without giving away too much. It's a skillful blend of charm and evasion, leaving conversations feeling like a dance where every step is carefully orchestrated. Vexa occasionally reveals parts of her Thieves Cant tattoos during conversations, using these glimpses to subtly convey information or to establish her connection with the shadowy underworld.

Vexa Shanksnarl is a goblin of enigmatic allure who weaves her web of influence in the dim recesses of the brothel's clandestine world. Her nimble figure, adorned with intricate tattoos, hints at a life steeped in shadowy dealings and unspoken secrets. Beneath her flirtatious demeanor lies a cunning and resourceful individual, using her knowledge as currency in a dance of whispered conversations and hidden vendettas.

Current Location
Satin Whispers Boutique & House of Ill Repute in Aldbury
View Character Profile
The Cerrado
Current Residence
Satin Whispers Boutique & House of Ill Repute in Aldbury
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
45 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Whispers in the shadows, darlings, where secrets dance and fortunes twirl. Pay the toll, and Vexa's secrets become your golden key to the hidden doors of opportunity."