Cauldarion Species in Gedau Solaris | World Anvil


"Mind your tongue, or I will cut it out again!"

Cauldarions or Caulgaten (roughly translating to "Strong Beings" or "Stone Beings") are a member species of the gauss dominion.

Basic Information


Cauldarions are largely humanoid with only minor differences. They possess an extra finger and toe on each limb. Their skin is thicker and has a more rough texture to it.

Biological Traits

Regenerative Biology

Cauldarions have an innate capacity for healing and regeneration. Essentially making full recovery from any non-fatal damage to their body. Given a timespan of months, organs and limbs will regrow so long as their genetic code is not corrupted in any way. This same regenerative quality to their cells also aids their bodies in recovering from radiation, poison, disease, and the general wear-and-tear that can lead one to aging, hence their lengthy lifespan.   This same quality makes it impossible to implant a cauldarion with internal cybernetics. As the regenerative capacity will force out and disrupt any mechanical and artificial implant. Though some symbiotic and biological implants, if carefully crafted, can override this quality. Hence most Cauldarions must be augmented strictly with genetic changes.

Genetics and Reproduction

Cauldarions reproduce with standard sexual reproduction. Children take around one standard galactic year to gestate (around 1.3 earth-years). It is very unusual for Cauldarions to have more than one child at a time.

Ecology and Habitats

Cauldarions are adapted to high gravity environments. Tending to prefer "super earth" planets with anywhere from 3 to 7.5 gees of gravity, and often opting for the higher end. They are adapted to higher atmospheric pressure and high oxygen content to fuel their metabolism. Their original home planet was hot and dry with only a few small seas, with mountains, savannahs, plains, deserts, tundras and occasional swamps.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The large size and heavy musculature of a Cauldarion demands vastly more dietay calories than most other beings. Cauldarions also have a nutritional need for foods containing trace amounts heavy metals that would normally be poisonous to other species such as lead or thallium, with these elements being vital to proper bone growth. They can eat foods without these elements present, though must take supplements for good health.

Additional Information

Average Intelligence

Cauldarions have intelligence approximating that of a human. Those that achieve older age can be much more intelligent.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

-Order of the Hundred Houses   -House Vondar   -House Sol Gragnus   -House Tarongori   -House Gokatoma   -House Yahotu   -House Octaronhogen   -House Tektikdera   -House Kepkipderan   -House Humadari   -House Tajdvate   -House Oriurngaten   -House Gonbrakit   -House Tanar

Beauty Ideals

Male Cauldarions be like: She better be dummy thicc   Female Cauldarions be like: He better be an absolute unit

Gender Ideals

Cauldarion society is heavily gendered and patriarchal. Males are expected to do typically dangerous and labor intensive jobs such as fighting, mining, farming, construction, and mechanical work in order to provide for a family. Males that engage too heavily in intellectual pursuits and are physically incapable are in general, looked down upon and almost never considered viable partners or mates. Males are expected to be emotionally strong, competitive and have a take charge attitude.   Females likewise are expected to engage in intellectual pursuits that males are looked down upon for. Many technological and scientific discoveries are made by females, as are many notable artists, musicians and philosophers. In addition to this they are heavily expected to marry and bear children.

Average Technological Level

Cauldarion technology throughout galactic history has always somewhat lagged behind other civilizations. Though the did have notable breakthroughs in materials science that no other species could lay claim to. Cauldarions tended to preference simple and highly reliable machines above overly sophisticated. Most of their technology such as fusion power, advanced computers, subspace drives were reverse engineered or stolen and inferior versions of Katharian, Goshii or Farrian technology.

Common Dress Code

Cauldarion clothing typically makes use of leather or thick canvas-like fabrics. It is typically semi-formal and semi utilitarian with belts and straps.    They tend to encourage conservative dress at all times with the body, legs and feet fully covered. In some formal circles the arms should be covered as well, but in casual or work environments bare arms will be allowed. Clothes that reveal the shape of the body are not discouraged though actually showing skin on these parts of the body is considered extremely scandalous particularly if members of the opposite sex are present.   The only time this tradition is done away with outside of the home is during rituals (Sa Grakabara, Yah Habanbraka) wherein combatants may fight with only a loincloth or basic bandages revealing most of the body. This will show the strength and musculature of the participant.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

-Sa Grakabara   -Yah Habanbraka

Common Taboos

Cauldarions have a number of conservative taboos around sexuality and relationships. It is seen as incredibly dishonorable for cauldarions to engage in any sexual acts before marriage or out of wedlock or with a battle brother, doing so can lead one to being outsed from society or even executed. Sex is highly sacred in cauldarion culture and is only to be done with the express purpose of producing children or in the case of paired knights, to express ones' passion and connection to their partner.   To remarry after being widowed is also considered distasteful, as it is believed to disrespect the memory of the deceased partner. Females are allowed some leeway in this regard and may be allowed to remarry, but only many years after the passing of their partner.


Pre Space Era

The Pre-Space era of the Cauldarions was marked by their home world being subdivided into a patchwork of petty feudal kingdoms constantly at war with one another. Remaining relatively stagnant in this state for many thousands of years. These kingdoms had access to advanced metallurgy and basic industrial technologies such as steam power.    Eventually a group of powerful houses managed to accumulate sufficient power and resources to assemble a group of scholars researching more sophisticated technology such as computers, aircraft, advanced materials, and nuclear weapons. Aircraft never saw particular prominence on the Cauldarion homeworld due to its punishing gravity. These technologies were swiftly stolen and copied by spies smaller houses that threatened to plunge the planet into armageddon.   The threat of mutual annihilation led to the various houses signing their allegiance to the Order of the Hundred Houses. This allowed individual Cauldarion houses to retain their cultural lineage and philosophy but operate under a unified council of respected leaders from various houses, set in place a code of honor and standards for controlled war and conflicts between houses.   The Order of the Hundred Houses then worked to launch spacecraft using nuclear pulse propulsion (chemical rockets were not powerful enough to escape their home planet) and set up a space elevator.

Space Conflict Era

Establishing a space elevator, Houses bid furiously on opportunities to use the infrastructure set out to establish claims in the solar system. Most spacecraft utilizing nuclear pulse propulsion and nuclear fission technology as it was well understood and their home star system was rich in fissile material. Their solar system quickly parceled up between houses and some new ones forming such as Gokatoma.   Eventually the Cauldarions would seek to colonize other star systems, moving to colonize the nearby planet of Kojunfourge. There they encountered a Katharian mining fleet which disputed their claim to the system, leading to the Two-thousand-years-war between them and the Katharians. This would, after many centuries of bloody fighting, eventually result in the destruction of their homeworld

Dominion Era

  The Order of the Hundred Houses would end up signing a very shaky peace treaty with the Katharians. Ultimately joining Kragleosha gauss in the Battle of Kido Vista. Though the Cauldarions have always been heavily at odds with the Katharian people they strongly believe in the dominion and what it stands for.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Cauldarions throughout the space conflict era tended to view most other species as weak and worthless both physically and mentally, uncommitted and flagrantly sexually deviant vermin. Despite their poor galactic standing technologically, they held a trumped-up view of themselves as noble warriors and a particular distaste for the Katharians.   In the dominion era, their stance twoards other species has gradually mellowed. Though Cauldarions are known to often joke of other species living in low gravity and generally being smaller and weaker this is usually meant only as joshing. many Cauldarions willing to accept other species and their strengths and weaknesses, accepting them and treating them with what many consider a friendly demeanor. Though originally known as ferocious and brutal warriors they now hold reputations as amenable and hospitable individuals.
~500 SGY
Average Height
2.5 meters (female) 3 meters (male)
Average Weight
500kg (female) 1000kg (male)
Average Physique
Cauldarions tend to have very stocky physiques and can develop what most species would consider heavy muscle mass with minimal exercise.
Related Technologies
Related Materials


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