dragons Species in Geamire | World Anvil
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Dragons are a magical species that has existed since the meteor. they can live up to 3000 years of age. the types of dragon are: Red Dragon, Blue Dragon, Green Dragon, Black Dragon, White Dragon, Gold Dragon, Silver Dragon, Bronze Dragon, Copper Dragon, Brass Dragon, Amethyst Dragon, Crystal Dragon, Emerald Dragon, Sapphire Dragon, Topaz Dragon, Linnorm, Faerie Dragon, Force Dragon, Force Dragon, Astral Dragon, Ethereal Dragon, Shadow Dragon, Radiant Dragon, Rust Dragon, Styx Dragon, Adamantine Dragon, Cobalt Dragon, Iron Dragon, Nickel Dragon, Tungsten Dragon, Chromium Dragon, Cobalt Dragon, and Orium Dragon.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

mostly in the land of dragons with a few others in remote places.

Average Intelligence

very smart.

Civilization and Culture

Major Organizations

the land of dragons.

Major Language Groups and Dialects


The race was magically created by the meteor. they lived all over the world for thousands of years after, until the elves came. they became rivals and when the Giants were massacred, the dragon attacked the elves in vengeance. One elf named Speargreat ended the war with a dragon named shal crüsher. once Speargreat died, the elves thought the Dragons did it, so chased them out. the Dragons now live in the land of the Dragons.
3000 years
Average Height
Average Weight
80,000 ibs
Average Length
80 ft.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities


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