Winedark, Chapter Eighteen Report in Gavros | World Anvil
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Winedark, Chapter Eighteen

General Summary

Wherein our Heroes discover the wonders of the Seven Rows, Pitch encounters some figures from their past, and, at long last, brothers are reunited  

A Boutique Experience

As new arrivals on the Seven Rows, our heroes find themselves almost at a loss of what to do in this sprawling paean to consumerism and transaction. They do know, however, that the best goods are a floor above them, so they decided to check that out. They're drawn to a singular shop, an almost mystifying boutique called A S C E N D, operated by an equally mystifying air genasi called Ascend. That tracks. This shop specializes in all kinds of incredible artifacts, each with impeccable linages and replete with myth and story. And, of course, none of these objects are marked with a price. That's the kind of place this is.   Although items such as the Weapon of Mahludash and the Syxnir's Casket are fascinating, perhaps the true value of such a place to the Vastblasters is as a possible buyer for whatever the Ark of Aotl is. Ascend agreed to send a person, Vegariak Bravedrifter Katho-Olakanu, out to see what they've got and offer a fair price for it. Maybe Irk can get a trinket in the deal, too.   Realizing that the offices of Garakh are on the fourth level of this massive tower ship, it was time to take the fantasy escalator up. But, on the way there, Kharlo Chondricht and Pitch found themselves run over by run-away sentient office supplies. A mortified massage therapist claimed responsibility and offered the crew a free massage for their troubles. Kharlo took her up on this as was escorted to Gemlight's Touch and his body was worked over by the titular Genydark Gemlight. A pleasant conversation was had, in which it was revealed that nobody really sees or knows Garakh. At least, not on this level.   With his muscles fully relaxed, it was time to head to the next level, the dreaded "Convention Floor" and see what it held for our explorers.  

Synergize the Leverage

What that floor held, unsurprisingly, was a convention. This one, a single day offering, took up two ballrooms and was called BUILD YOUR BASE. It focused on ways to leverage AND synergize your core competencies to win the moment. Water, somehow, was immediately intrigued and decided to partake in a little professional development opportunity. Nobody, wisely, decided to join them, so that left them free to experience the wisdom of this offering solo.   After a nice little cocktail meet 'n greet, the conference commenced with a keynote from Rannar Moltenbeard entitled Fire UP your BRAND! Attendees seemed to really get into it. Later, approaching Moltenbeard, Water had the great idea to ask them to consult on the overall branding and "storytelling" of the Blasters. Unfortunately, his fee was too high. Luckily, Water also met a "brand prophet" named Nevias Fatflow who agreed to consult on their endeavors for both a modest fee and future storytelling rights. Nice! Way to leverage your assets, Water!  

A Meeting of Siblings

The rest of the gang headed on up to try and get a meeting with Garahk. After a bit of back and forth with the Black Tooths, they were able to do so. After a strained but strangely warm reunion with Kharlo, Garahk showed them around Seven Rows and treated them to a fine meal. He gave them some bad news, though--he is unable to help them with their Sealed Hold problem. If word got out that he compromised the sacred neutrality of those Holds, then Seven Rows may be both literally and figuratively sunk. Bummer!   But, after some deliberation, he did pass one message along. These Holds are opened by two keys. One kept aboard Seven Rows and one carried by the owner of the Hold. Whoever has possession of the key is the owner of the Hold. And the key of Hold 77C was last known to be held by the completely legit businessgnome Nixif Sipplegonz. Perhaps seeking him out might be productive...  

And That's Where We Left It

We'll see how the Blasters go about cracking into the vault during our next session  

Various & Sundry Details

  • Pitch, having deduced that "Consolidated Exports" on Seven Rows third floor was clearly a front for Ascendency activities, entered and was greeted by some operatives--namely Zero and Dust. They informed Pitch that they haven't checked in with anybody in 42 years, and were apparently trapped in the wreckage of The Finality for that long. Also, confusingly, their records make no mention of their renewed acquaintance with Wilreth Elvalor at all.
  • Trommen Bonetide met with our heroes, gave them a little history lesson on Zazerk the Saltworm, and agreed to help figure out what his return might foretell for the Isles. From Seven Rows, though. He ain't leaving.

Character(s) interacted with

  • Ascend, an air genasi and owner of A S C E N D, an exotic antiquities store
  • Genydark Gemlight, excellent massage therapist and operator of Gemlight's Touch
  • Nevias Fatflow, presenter at the BUILD YOUR BASE conference and self styled "Storyteller Guru in Chief" 
  • Rannar Moltenbeard, keynote speaker at BUILD YOUR BASE, famous for his FIRE UP YOUR BRAND approach
  • Trommen Bonetide, adventurer turned historian, once friendly with Garakh
  • Zero, a warforged, administrator at "Consolidated Exports"
  • Dust, Alerki Ascendency "liaison" to Seven Rows and manager of "Consolidated Exports"
  • Garakh, Kharlo's brother, captain of Seven Rows, leader of the Black Tooths


a crumbled note, passed to Kharlo:   Nixif Sipplegonz. He has the Key. Seek him out in the Chalice. 
Report Date
10 Oct 2021
Primary Location


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