The Penitent: The Restless Ruins Report in Gavros | World Anvil
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The Penitent: The Restless Ruins

General Summary

What follows is an After Action Report on the activities of The Penitent, offering a summary of a particular Intervention.  

The Missive

Find Kajeera Mosswater and help her bury the dead.  

Intervention Overview

Penitents Sennic, Doric, Blacksap and Immeron were dispatched via The Bunkhouse Campfire to the Tong Ruins in Cheltong. There, they located a follower of Vallik named Kajeera Mosswater who has been burying the forgotten dead of a battlefield of the Unknown Eras. Some of the spirits of the battlefield have grown more restless and violent and she suspects nefarious activities stirring up these addled souls. She requested aid in putting the restless dead back to rest and eliminating whatever is causing this unease.

The Pentients provided this aid, clearing the battlefield of ghouls and skeletons through applied force. Eventually, this work led them to the main culprit of this uprising--a nefarious satyr calling himself Luzzlewek the Laugher and assembling this restless army for evil intentions. The Pentients defeated this foe, enabling Kajeera to continue her work of easing the dead back to rest. With their mission complete, they returned to The Bunkhouse.  

Salient Details

  • The Pentient has about thirty Pentients currently undertaking missions.
  • The personnel of this particular Intervention have fought together before, dispatching a Storm Priest of the Malevolent Echo.
  • The inscription over the Campfire hearth that enables the portal leading to the site of the Intervention constantly changes. This time, it read "We Brook No Shenanigans."
Report Date
07 Jan 2024
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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