The Concern Organization in Gavros | World Anvil
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The Concern

The Concern is a group of independent business speculators operating in the "gray area" of displaced artifact commerce.


The Concern is a partnership between separate, wholly distinct business enterprises. There is a centralized board of directors, but its membership is confidential and that information is rigorously protected.    The day-to-day operations of the Concern are conducted by a complex series of mediators, brokers, and go-betweens. These independent contractors are provided with the information to complete their assigned tasks, and no more than that. Often, there may be multiple agents of the Concern working on the same operation who are completely unaware of the others' existence. The Concern views that as a strength and not a limitation of this structure.


The Concern takes enlightened self interest to its logical conclusion. They don't moralize about the implications of the Displacement. Instead, they acknowledge it and strive to discover ways in which this circumstance could be profitable. This brute pragmatism has proven helpful in expanding the organizations' practices.   The Concern finds that everything functions much smoother when its operations are discreet, so it places a high value on secrecy and the emphatic willingness to ensure that confidentiality is maintained.   A certain controlled ruthlessness is also considered praiseworthy in its membership, especially if it relates to process efficiency.

Public Agenda

The Concern values discretion, so it carries no outward public agenda.   Privately, it exists as a network of shared business approaches--namely, that of acquiring rare and valuable commodities from Displacement and selling them on the open market. These entities have come together to ensure that the risk posed by such an initiative is distributed between multiple stakeholders to reduce volatility. That also means that the profits reaped from this work are also disturbed across invested parties. Both of these circumstances suit the Concern.   They have a vested interest in the Displacement continuing indefinitely.


The Concern's financial resources are unknown, but presumed to be extensive.   The current number of Concern agents and contractors is also unknown, but informed outsiders consider the number to be between 100-300 individuals. It is assumedly this number fluctuates as contracts are offered, rescinded and completed.


The Concern is a recent business emergence, roughly coinciding with the increased prevalence of the Displacement. The reach and depth of its business operations is not yet well understood by outsiders. Most informed individuals know that it exists, and is doing something with the Displacement, but information that sheds more light than that is scarce.    Some enterprising organizations have taken it upon themselves to attempt to claim to be part of the Concern. None of these have remained functional for long.
Founding Date
1080 AC
Consortium, Business


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