Elf Species in Garlan | World Anvil


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Elves live scattered across the lands of Garlan, but most never truly feel a part of it. Those on Varenfall and Aeris live in secluded spires, welcoming of the other races so long as they are respectful. Those on Marithell and Nione live in smaller, more familial feeling clans, refusing entrance to those who are not well and truly trusted among the people. The elves in Eldorwin are the most accepting, living in communities among the people more often than their spires - to the point where some have even created their own cities for people of the other races to be a part of.

Avery had heard a great deal of rumours about the elven city of South Silver during her travels across Eldorwin, a far cry from those whispered in her native lands of Nione. She had disregarded them, rightly so in her own mind, because her own people had never been so accepting when she sought their shelter.   But now, standing at the base of a pristine, marble archway, letters etched in both Elvish and Common - May you find home amongst the people - she thinks perhaps she was to quick too judge.   Beyond the marble archway, stretching out across the plain and scattered haphazardly lie farm buildings. And beyond that, more clustered, but not to the standard of a human city, are more buildings. She catches the variety of shapes moving in the distance, some so small that had it not been for her elven senses she would never have spotted them, and some so tall they almost tower above the buildings themselves.   For the first time in a while, a smile tugs at the corners of her lips, and Avery almost lets herself hope.

Basic Information

Biological Traits

Elves are graceful beings with an above average level of dexterity.   Typically, an elf reaches adulthood at around 100 years old, and will claim their adult name at the same time.

Additional Information

Social Structure


  Spires consist of a variety of elves, and are welcoming of almost any elf who should wish to join their community. They are typically led by a council of several hand selected leaders - called Overseers. These roles can be passed down from an overseer to their appointed second, or an individual can be voted in or out of their role, though the latter is less common. Overseers are well respected amongst the people.   All jobs are considered necessary within a spire, and no individual would be shamed for what they do, if only because Overseers appoint the roles of each elf in the spire. There are, however, some instances where a role is seen as more important than the rest.   For example, ambassadors are highly regarded in spires, as are members of the watch and those who tend to the elven children.  


  Being more of a tight nit group, clans consist of far fewer elves, most of which will have been born into the clan itself, or will have come from a respected, neighbouring clan. Their leaders - Oath-keepers - overseer the inner workings and day to day business of the clan. Typically, Oath-keepers appoint 2-4 individuals as their closest advisers - known as Oath-sworn.   Within the clans, elves choose the role they wish to play, but it most be of use to the clan itself. Clan roles include:
  • Vanguard - focused on protecting the clan
  • Hunters and gatherers
  • Cooks
  • Tailors
  • Farmers
  • Traders
  Traders are often the only ones allowed to venture outside of the clan's limits and have built a great deal of trust with their Oath-keepers. They will act not only to trade goods and services, but also as representatives to the outside world.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Until elves reach their adulthood, they are considered children and are called by their child name. After this period, they select an adult name, though some may still use their child name, either as a term of endearment or belittling depending on the user.   In addition, all elves bear a family name.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Common, Elvish
750 years
Average Height
4'10" - 6'10"
Average Physique
Slender builds

Cover image: by SunlanceXIII


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