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Garden City Guardians Magic's just around the corner

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In Sengkang, An old lady goes to the park for Tai Chi before her hawker stall opens. As she goes through each move, she is one with the universe, at perfect peace. A passing observer swears she could see the movement of galaxies in her shifting palms.   In Tiong Bahru, a child tells her friends of the strange happenings in the school bathroom. One listens more intently than the rest, adding new information to their mental file on the ghost that haunts the school. They clutch their talisman, mentally steeling themself for the night's hunt.   Over in Jurong, a beam falls in a construction site toward a passer-by below. It never hits the ground, though, as vines shoot forth to grasp onto it, from the palm of a construction worker. He replaces the beam and secures it before anyone can notice, getting back to work.   ...   Magic is alive and everywhere. The bustle and lights of Orchard. The quiet beauty of Botanic Gardens. The shining sparkle of Changi. Everyone that has passed through has left a bit of story. Monsters of legend, gods and goddesses, folktale heroes, and all sorts of wild, wonderful things.   Historically, Temasek (Singapore, Singapura) has always been a powerful hotspot of Primal magic, as well as an important nexus point in trade networks, be it during the eras of the Golden Chersonese, the Majapahit Empire, or the British Empire. Many have come to call this island Home, and throughout the aeons, many have stepped up to defend their home from the forces beyond.   A deep connection to the Woods and other magical realms isn't always a good thing. Creatures and spirits break through the veil between worlds often, and many more lie in the trees or under the waves. Crime, adapting to the harshness of the law, adopts the use of magic to continue to survive. And every so often, apocalyptic forces rise, threatening to bring collapse and ruin with them.   Even in the face of this, there is still hope. The Druids of the ancient Sabara Conclave are still actively defending the coast to this day, and MINARC, the government branch dedicated to the management of arcane affairs, works to maintain the peace. Many other factions and individuals, either working closely with the big players or on a long leash, guard the streets they live on, as well as use their magic to better the lives of those around them.   Over the years, they have gone by many names: xianzhi, pawang, bomoh, but in this day and age, they hide in plain sight, no different than their fellow man. But on the rare occasion when someone sees them standing tall against incomprehensible monsters and grave danger, they can think of no word that better describes them than Guardian.

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