Strzyga (Specie) Species in Gamayun's Guide to Kievarth | World Anvil
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Strzyga (Specie)

This page refers to Strzyga as a specie. Click here for Strzyga (Ethnicity).

Basic Information


An Avian Maiden that resembles closely to an owl. Unlike Avian Maidens, however, some of their human features are exaggerated including large eyes, very high cheekbones, wide mouths, and lack of external ears. Before being exiled from the Nest by other Avian Maiden, they had a lot of feathers, helping cushion sounds and allowing them to sneak up on preys silently. However after being exiled, the lack of food and good nest has affected their health, making them lose many feathers on their breast.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Strzygas are strictly carnivorous. Like owls they consume their preys as whole or as whole as possible, digesting as much as possible inside, and then regurgitating indigestible parts like fur or bones in the form of owl pellets.

Civilization and Culture


Originally, Strzygas lived among other kinds of Avian Maiden. At the time Strzygas were only collecting animals to consume which the Avian Maidens found perfectly acceptable. However as time passed the Strzygas began to collect, or kidnapped to better word it, other sentient and intelligent creatures to consume, which caused issue with the Avian Maidens as they worried that it would cause problems with other creatures. Once the Avian Maidens found that the Strzygas were actively consuming Avian Maidens as well, the Avian Maidens banished the Strzygas from the Nest, cutting all ties with them. There was a short battle between the Strzygas and the rest of the Avian Maidens over the control of the Nest, but the Strzygas lost and fled. Currently the Strzygas live a semi-nomadic lifestyle, living in small groups and traveling seasonally. They mostly prey on animals, but are known to attack sentient and intelligent creatures as well.
Genetic Ancestor(s)

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