Strzyga (Ethnicity) Ethnicity in Gamayun's Guide to Kievarth | World Anvil
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Strzyga (Ethnicity)

This page refers to Strzyga as an ethnic group. Click here for Strzyga (Specie).

An Avian Maiden that resembles closely to an owl. Unlike Avian Maiden, however, some of their human features are exaggerated including large eyes, very high cheekbones, wide mouths, and lack of external ears. Before being exiled from the Nest by other Avian Maiden , they had a lot of feathers, helping cushion sounds and allowing them to sneak up on preys silently. However after being exiled, the lack of food and good nest has affected their health, making them lose many feathers on their breast.


Common Customs, traditions and rituals

While preying and eating sentient and intelligent creatures is not common as before their exile, they are still known to target them. In fact preying and consuming such creature is seen as a sort of luxury, making it almost like a treat for the Strzygas.

Cannibalism is not as common either due to their low population size, but they do not have any taboos against cannibalism. Besides cannibalizing on other Strzygas, they were known to cannibalize on other Avian Maiden.

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