Water Lion Character in Gallifrey | World Anvil

Water Lion

Water Lion was an enigmatic lesser deity and a member of the asathalfinare pantheon—an alliance of good-aligned gods of aquatic races.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

  • A sea lion's head

Divine Goals & Aspirations

His goals and intentions were a mystery, so many myths sprang up to fill the void. Some said he wandered to find a child that he lost or perhaps a companion god, such as Stillsong, to whom he felt loyalty.


Contacts & Relations

Water Lion was typically aloof, ignoring most attempts to communicate. However, he especially loved songs and knew if any bards were within 1 mile (1.6 kilometers) of his person. He would often reward a personal performance with a pearl or some other trinket from the sea. He was on good terms with Deep Sashelas and the other asathalfinare, Istishia, and Nobanion. He sometimes received help from Ben-hadar, the Prince of Good Water Creatures.
Divine Classification
Lesser Deity
Aligned Organization


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