Stronmaus Character in Gallifrey | World Anvil


Stronmaus was the giant deity of the sun, sky, weather, seas, and joy.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Forked lightning bolt coming from a cloud partly obscuring the sun


Contacts & Relations

Stronmaus was the eldest son of Annam and thus the default leader of the giant pantheon since Annam's withdrawal, though he did not covet his father's power. He would happily defer to Annam the moment the creator god returned. Stronmaus' closest relationship was with his sister Hiatea; the two were commonly seen as a pair, the oldest and most powerful of Annam's children. His other siblings and half-siblings included Diancastra, Grolantor, Iallanis, Karontor, Skoraeus Stonebones, Surtr, and Thrym. Memnor and Vaprak were also sometimes named as his relatives.   Stronmaus often flew the skies of the Beastlands with Aerdrie Faenya and Syranita as companions. He was well-disposed toward the gods of the asathalfinare, who included Syranita, Surminare, and Trishina, and might send avatars to help them in times of need. He was also an ally of his fellow god of lightning Muamman Duathal.   Stronmaus despised Memnor above all others, and would send avatars to restrict the evil cloud giant god's activities.
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Smiling God
  • The Storm Lord
  • The Thunderhead
Aligned Organization


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