Rumjal Character in Gallifrey | World Anvil


Rumjal was an exiled archdevil living in Avernus in the Nine Hells.   Rumjal was proud and bitter in his exile, but believed that he was a legitimate member of the diabolical hierarchy who had merely been displaced by a temporary fall from favor. He acted at all times as a loyal lieutenant of the hells would. Rumjal was also known to be fond of art, wit, and poetry; he was also a cruel prankster. When dealing with other devils, he was polite and good-natured, always dealing with them as equals.

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Rumjal appeared as a hairless, 8‑foot-tall (2.4‑meter) humanoid with grey skin, bone-white horns, and bat-like wings. He had a bone-white, prehensile tail that split at the end into three barbed hooks.

Special abilities

Rumjal possessed a number of magical powers, as befitted an archdevil. Among other spells, he could use a ring of fire at will. That spell was like wall of fire, save that Rumjal could throw, roll, or pick up the ring. His touch caused fear in other creatures. As with other exiled archdevils, he was incapable of summoning lesser devils to aid himself.   In combat, Rumjal used his tail and other weapons, which he habitually kept covered in a venom that he alone produced. This venom was caustic, and Rumjal could spit it directly if needed; however, he only produced it in small quantities.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Rumjal was a lieutenant of Geryon before he was exiled for molesting his archduke's consort, Cozbi.   It was said that Asmodeus liked Rumjal and did not wish for the lesser archdevil to be harmed, as it was known that prior to the latter's exile, Asmodeus enjoyed playing chess with Rumjal.

Personality Characteristics


As an exile trapped in Avernus, Rumjal delighted in tormenting the least devils and intruders of that plane. He was tolerated by Tiamat and her dukes more than the other exiles, as he would inform and physically aid them in thwarting the plots of Nergal and various nycaloths.


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