Pisaethces in Gallifrey | World Anvil


Pisaethces, also spelled Piscaethces, and known as The Blood Queen, was an Elder Evil and the creator of aboleths.    
The Blood Queen was depicted as a vast, tentacle-less aboleth with mucus the color of blood.    
Piscaethces' interests lay beyond the known dimensions, and she had no interest in her creations as either companions or scientific curiosities.    
The aboleths believed that Pisaethces traveled the currents of probability across infinite realities, spreading her seed as less than an afterthought as she moved between the worlds.    
Aboleths did not worship the Blood Queen in a way that other creatures understood, but they honored her by including large domed windows of red crystal in their architecture. Otherwise, however, the aboleths understood that their creation was a mere accident, and that their creator felt and cared nothing for them. This did not trouble the aboleths; instead, they felt free to do as they wished, to make their own way through existence without fear of reprisal. Nor did they expect her return, though if she did come back and spawn a new race of aboleths that would only be proof of the circularity of existence, a finite reality able to be conquered completely.   Insane cultists were known to try and call her back to the physical world. Most common aboleths and all savant aboleths revered her, and she had a small clergy of wizard-priests that followed a ruthless creed of domination and suppression.
  • The Blood Queen
Deity Level
  • Elder Evil


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