Asgorath Character in Gallifrey | World Anvil


Asgorath was the dragon deity of creation. He (or she, as some traditions suggested) was regarded as the creator of the multiverse and of dragonkind, and he manipulated the destinies of all dragons by operating in a way that nobody suspected his involvement. Asgorath was supposed to encompass all alignments, but was often regarded as neutral. In the Outer Planes, he was more commonly known as Io. His holy symbol, an unadorned circle, represented totality.   Some sages believed that Asgorath was an aspect of the World Serpent concept, while others thought Asgorath was actually a primordial that had ascended to godhood after the Tearfall. It was even possible that Io was similar to Ao, a kind of all-powerful yet detached overgod.

Divine Domains

  • Knowledge
  • Arcana

Divine Symbols & Sigils

  • A multicolored metallic disk
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The World Shaper
  • The Concordant Dragon
  • The Great Eternal Wheel
  • Swallower of Shades
  • The Ninefold Dragon
  • Creator of Dragonkind
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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