Annam All-Father Character in Gallifrey | World Anvil

Annam All-Father

Annam All-Father was the chief giant deity and creator of the giant race, known also as the Prime, the Progenitor of Worlds, the Great Creator, and the Creator-By-Thought.

Divine Domains

Annam's original divine realm was Gudheim, a crystal palace at the center of Jotunheim, a realm in the first layer of the plane of Ysgard. The palace included an orrery crafted by his grandsons (the fire giant sons of Masud) in honor of his actions during the war with the dragons. It had an endlessly spinning model of all the planes, stars, and planets. Many of the other members of the Ordning regularly spent time in Gudheim, and pious giant priests were said to be invited to dine with them shortly before death. Stronmaus primarily dwelt in a cloud palace connected to Gudheim. The plains of Jotunheim surrounded the palace and the spirits of heroic mortal giants guarded the realm.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

  • Crossed hands, held palms together with fingers facing downward


  • Grand Feast of the All-Father


Contacts & Relations

Annam had mixed relationships with his children, favoring Stronmaus, Hiatea, and Iallanis and despairing over Grolantor, Karontor, Memnor, and the ever-competing Surtr and Thrym, although Surtr did have his father's favor due to his skillful crafting of weapons and arms. His relationship with Skoraeus Stonebones was less well known due to his son's reclusive nature. Diancastra was also a favored child, as her wit amused him and lifted his depressions as little else did. Due to his isolation and high opinion of himself, he did not interact with other gods often.
Divine Classification
Greater Deity
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • The Prime
  • The Progenitor of Worlds
  • The Great Creator
  • The Creator-By-Thought
Aligned Organization


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