The Manos Stones Myth in Galledall | World Anvil

The Manos Stones

The Manos Stones are a collection of stone slabs with engravings, seemingly describing the mythical city of Zandrael, the holy city of Shroud Worship. These stones are inscribed in the oldest form of Primordial currently known, dating back to 1000-3500 years before the end of Prehistoria. They are the oldest known artifacts in existence. Carved upon stone and imbued with some kind of enchantment to slow their decay, most of the translations are spotty and imprecise. While the first five stones have been thoroughly translated and verified to be genuine, the sixth stone is new, and its legitimacy is disputed.

The stones describe the journey of a being known as Manos, with each stone being signed by them. The descriptions Manos gives of the city are often contradictory, wonderful, impossible, and difficult to translate into meaningful speech today. Despite this, it is one of the few forms of documentation that describes the Shrouds, indicating Shroud Worship is the oldest known ongoing religion. Scholars dispute the legitimacy of the sixth stone however as it is new and seems to have a sharp tonal shift from the first five.


The First Manos Stone

"I, Manos, the second born of Fahl, had been called forth by Shil Nathunn(?) whose light was pleasing and agreeable[sic]. The end of the age was nigh, and [...] share with them the world of the children of the Shrouds. From atop a hill I spied the great expanse of the city of Zandrael, of which I saw no end, though the cliffs to the sea crumbled constantly, and more of the city disappeared into the depths. The entrance was overseen(?) by the eight who stood erect in their forms, both beautiful and otherwise. The towers(?) of Na'andri could barely be seen from where I was. Above it moved [...] all that they were part of The One"

The Second Manos Stone

"The city was bathed eternally in an approaching dusk, with overcast clouds. Such was the darkness [...] that the great pendulums(?) could not be seen unless one stood close to the towers of Na'andri. Of the twenty-two towers eight stood [...] not taller. The heavens could be seen for infinity in the right place, unmoving for eons at a time. The greatest jewel of the city was the Dome of [...] whose eyes saw in all directions of space and time. From each point in the city one could get to know themselves [sic] and achieve peace(?). Though the years of Zandrael were endless, the end of infinity had been reached, and [...] chorus of the age until the city had ended[sic]."

The Third Manos Stone

"It was then that the maggots[sic] crawled from the waters and consumed the city. The streets lay empty and lifeless, not even the rats(?) remained. Yet the city rotted and was torn apart by the creatures who left not a brick. I watched as they consumed each one and then created a shrine to Noc Norom, the eight pillars of their creation. They cried out and were alone, so the Shrouds [...] for none remained. Looking upon the empty remains of the city, the Shrouds established a new age for it be rebuilt in their name, once again eternal. But none wept [...] shattered in the city, and made to be forgotten by all."

The Fourth Manos Stone

"The creatures then awaited for the day appointed, constructing their own altars and bickering(?) with one another until the dusk returned. The city was rebuilt when the eight altars were finished, and the seas made boundless once more. The cliffside from where I first stood was restored to me, and I saw as the stone and marble that had once made [...] erupted and spilled forth their colors across the sky, and all who saw were transformed[sic] and made still upon the grounds once again. The city's pathways once again made firm. It was there the children of the Shrouds lied once more asleep, under [...] that counted down from infinity."

The Fifth Manos Stone

"The city was once again enclosed in time and was lost. So it was when I witnessed it, and so it will be when I write of it once more. So it is now. The gates to the city will be locked, and [...] as I have written. The peace of the darkness and beauty of Zandrael almost seem alive. Though alone in consciousness I am not alone in my mind, and they speak to me of the virtues of the city. Afeared of sleep I wandered the city for 470 generations [sic]. Yet each day was washed clean and new[sic] and the city was changed each day. Then, I lied down with my brothers and sisters to join them in their task. As dusk finally seemed to turn to night, I closed my eyes, my journey had ended."
  The Sixth Manos Stone
"It was after eons of rest when I experienced the vision of The One, whose greatness was that of conflict. The moon attempted to block its majesty but could not. The light of life tried to flee but was extinguished. I saw The One's arms, representing the eight pillars of creation each extending to infinity. They seized all and began to pull it towards itself. All fought against The One, but could not break free of its grasp. The final moments were excruciating, [...] looking back upon Zandrael, I saw what the city was, and I could once again see the Dome's eyes alight. I realized this is what we had wanted after all. The city's shape informed our destiny [sic], and we were to be One. I closed my eyes and accepted my fate. Until the end of my vision, it was an eternity of equilibrium, the likes of which Na'andri wished to keep us from. We had become one."


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