Guild Expenses in Galledall | World Anvil

Guild Expenses

Guild expenses are charges that will be applied on a weekly basis. Some of these charges come with a quality that will reflect how good it is, as well as how expensive it will be. Paying little for an expense will save you money, but also apply a debuff to your character in some way. On the other hand, paying more for a higher quality recurring expense will give you a buff in some way. Others will simply be something that will have to be paid off from time to time. Keep in mind that most of this stuff will be handled by whoever the guild master is. You can always choose to hire someone to be the guild master, but you better make sure you trust them!



Security informs how open your guild is to outside infiltration of those who may want to steal your property. Though it isn't every day that a thief will decide to try and break in, the more renown your guild, and the more hated and richer you are, the more likely you are to have someone come to take your stuff. And should you not have any money in your guild fund, they may steal your trophies, your magic items, or anything else that isn't nailed down. Though annoying, it can be managed, and with proper improvements, your vault can be made impregnable. Making it more secure also means its bigger, and can hold more money.



Your guild could be the shiniest thing since Mammon's palace, but if the area you live in is a garbage dump that won't make your guild attractive - or safe. The neighborhood surrounding your guild informs things like how likely certain crimes are, and how likely guild mishaps are to occur. You may get someone who sets your guildhall on fire, resulting in repairs, or if you live in the wilderness, you may get attacked by bugbears or goblins. The best thing you can do is improve the area you live in by actively trying to make it better and increase your fame with those you can get to like you, and removing those who don't want to be reasonable from the picture. If all else fails, you can also move. Neighborhood also is perhaps the most expensive of these categories, as a weekly fee will have to be paid based on the lucrativeness of your guildhall's location.


Food and Drink

When you are resting up from a long stretch on the road, you just want to take your boots off and have some good roast chicken, dumplings, goose or pork with a nice glass of Elven wine. That's expensive though, so you'll be eating hardtack. Getting high quality food and drink is important for the adventurer who wants to put a little bit of variety in their meal. In addition to tasting better, the healthier the food you eat, the more ready you are to face the world when you finally decide to get back to adventuring!



No adventurers guild is complete without a few decorations. A bear rug here, a fireplace there, and some nice art to hang up on the wall. But furnishings are more than that, it's couches, high quality beds, and beautiful works of art to that'll allow your creativity to flow and your energy to be rejuvenated at the end of each day. Though getting basic furnishings is a must for basic resting, getting higher quality furnishings will allow you to spend more time rested and ready to invest yourselves in your downtime, providing a bonus to everything you want to do in that time. Not to mention how cool you'll feel having your very own master bedroom.


Hired Workers

Hired workers come in two flavors: skilled and unskilled. Unskilled workers are easy to come by and hire on the spot, paying a trivial amount of money. They can be basic guards, cleaners, errand runners or perform other simple tasks that don't require much skill or prior knowledge. These unskilled workers mostly run the day to day grind, be it shopping for the guild, delivering messages and collecting help notices, or sitting in front of your guild on watch.

Skilled workers, however, are a bit harder to come by. If you want a guard captain, you'll have to find someone who is more skilled than a simple soldier for hire, who has the ability to coordinate soldiers and organize patrols. If you want an enchanter to assist you in making your magic items, you'll need to post a help wanted post and hope it reaches the right guy, or find and ask them directly. Maybe you need a guild-endorsed merchant who, given some of the guild's funds, goes and buys more exotic items to bring back and trade. Of course you can hire anyone off the streets and give them the job, but it's likely it'll go bad. And when it goes bad, it'll go *really* bad when one of these positions is mis-managed. Skilled workers are more expensive, and may ask for more money if they believe they are not getting paid enough. Being friendly with them and keeping them loyal is important to any guild master.



With resurrection and lichdom possible in D&D, only one thing is certain: taxes. Once per year, the nation you are in will attempt to put some kind of tax on your guild. Guilds, being businesses and getting paid lots of gold for what others see as unskilled work, take a large hit from taxes. You can try to evade them, but if you are not careful, you'll make enemies with the nation you are a part of, or have to pay additional fees. Dodge at your own risk, and be warned that should you not have enough money, your possessions will be taken by the state. Or, you'll be arrested and tortured.


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