Miscellaneous Islands Geographic Location in Galania | World Anvil
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Miscellaneous Islands

Isle of Cold Drums

Far to the northwest of Galania is the snow-covered Isle of Cold Drums, one of the remotest and least-explored areas of the continent. There are believed to be frost giants living on the island, as visitors report sounds of distant, echoing drum-beats (hence the island's name) and sightings of huge creatures marching through the forest and over the mountain. No mainlanders have found so far a compelling reason to settle on the island, though the lure of the unknown attracts the occasional intrepid explorer or two.

Isle of Beasts

To the west of Rexandor is the Isle of Beasts, named by hunters from Rexandor and Aldania for its wide variety of strange creatures. Little do the hunters know (or care) that their prey are mostly sentient beings: tabaxi, aarakocra, kenku, tortles and other intelligent people living in natural enclaves mistaken by outsiders for wilderness. Many of the island's inhabitants have fled south away from the hunters and settled alongside the welcoming halflings of the Gelhellan Isles.   The hunters, who operate out of the independent colony of Hunter's Hope, have faced brutal repercussions recently from a beast of an unknown nature they call Shadowfang. Survivors report a whirlwhind of teeth and claws coming at them from all angles, only for the beast to vanish into thin air. More than a few hunters have departed on the assumption that their activities have awoken Joliath's wrath, whereas others have redoubled their efforts to slay this legendary creature for coin and prestige.  

Chekret Jetarr

  The southern island of Chekret Jetarr is a land of hostile jungle, sweltering swamps and steep mountains hiding isolated settlements and ruins of long departed civilisations. The Jetarri people are regarded as highly talented healers, specialising in both magical and conventional medicines to a degree usually only found in the greatest temples. It is perhaps talent born of necessity due to the various dangers and diseases presented by the jungle. The Jetarri are also renowned for their exquisite woodcrafting, their capability for tracking and their potent spirit Nantakh, which they eagerly encourage visitors to try (possibly for their own amusement).   While the Jetarri are spread over a number of small villages, the main settlements are Makroht, which trades with the Velathi port of Halhat, and Zarfahl, where High Priest Banu Tokrohl holds court in the Temple of Joliath as ruler of the Jetarri. To the east of the island is the mysterious Oldlight Tower, which the Jetarri make a point of avoiding as their legends tell of an old evil that dwells within, and that the dim, sickly glow from its highest windows will capture the soul of anyone who stares at it too long. No door or entryway is visible on the tower, and the Jetarri are in no hurry to find a way inside.


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