The child: Session 1 Report in Gajas | World Anvil
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The child: Session 1

General Summary

This session laster a total of 8 days. The party of this mission consists of Kipe a minotaur paladin, Salrora a half-elf monk, Tenes a assasin human, Gebo a automaton rune carver, Aksil a adw musar fighter. The party met while traveling towards olympus on the top of Mount Olympus. they slept and in the early morning they were attacked by wandering Manticores . After that the party traveled up to olympus and there they were welcomed got a tour by a guide and had to wait a couple days before they could meet with the gods.   After 4 days of waiting they had dinner with the gods in the evening, the attending gods by request of the party were Chronos, Lapetus, phoebe and coeus. During the dinner some party members could hear faint screaming in the distance. The party talked with the gods asking some questiosn and asking requests. Kipe, Tenes and Gebo were all asked to directly serve the gods for different reasons.   Right after the dinner Aksil has a drink and talks with another Adw musar(who are rare) called Izzu. they have a nice talking together hearing eachothers story. As the party meets up again they are found by Rhea who begs the party to take her child with them and protect it from Chronos who has been taking away all her children. The child is named Ourus by Rhea but Chronos would name the child Zeus. The party accepts and through a secret door Rhea shows them but they just bash in instead they start to escape from olympus. Izzu finds them and attempts to chase after them. He nearly succeds but then fails and is convinced by Aksil to at least for now not continue the chase. The session ends as the party is traveling down the permasnow of mount olympus travling into Harpy territory.
Report Date
24 Jun 2021
Primary Location

  • Unknown
    Khaos emerges

    Khaos first emerged into existence. It is unkown where this entity originally came from.

  • 4000 AD

    Elves emerge from the feywild
    Discovery, Exploration

    The elves emerged from the feywild for the first time to settle on the material plane. They emerged on the stormrend peninsula.

  • 2254 AD

    2102 AD

    The hordes conquest
    Military action

    The hordes of goblinoids went on a conquest over the world.

  • 2179 AD

    The child campaign begins

    The child campaign begins (just for context)

  • 2166 AD

    2096 AD

    The titanomanchy
    Military action

    The war between the The Titans and the The Olympians happens. this war was the war of Zeus and his siblings and allies overthrowing Chronos and his dynasty of gods.

  • 0 AD

    The collapse of Myrea
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Myrean empire collapses due to the portal opened in the heart of their empire.

  • 17 AC

    The rift closes
    Military action

    The rift opened at the destruction of Myrea was closed again in the last ditch effort of the world.

  • 80 AC

    The first hunters arive from Xadir

    The first monster hunters from Xadir arive in Duishou with the knowledge on how to defeat the various monsters that Myreas collapse brought over the world.

  • 532 AC

    The relic hunters form

    The relic hunters came together for the first time. (just to put context to everything)

  • 654 AC

    36 /8
    655 AC

    12 /7

    The bersail campaigns

    The events of the Smugglers of magic and Heretics resistance campaigns happen.   The conclusion of these 2 campaigns results in the witchhunters of the Holy Cleansings being driven out of Bersail.

    Additional timelines
  • 674 AC

    The first come together

    This is only for context, this is the year in wich the first party comes together.


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