Relic hunters 1: chickens and deer Report in Gajas | World Anvil
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Relic hunters 1: chickens and deer

General Summary

This is the first session with the Relic Hunters group: The group consists of Leodithas a firbolg druid, Daine Treebound an halfling rogue, Eris a elf cleric and Zero Beatdown a half-elf barbarian.   The session started on the year 532 AC, the 4th of aasc, it was athen.   All the party members have arrived in the town of Tribulys, they all came there because of the promise of adventure or money. The local lord, lord Demeas has been inviting anybody willing to risk their life to bring back artifacts from the Demon planes for him and be rewarded handsomely from them. The party after talking with demeas for a bit were all accepted to join.   The party had 3 days of time before a caravan would leave deeper into the demon lands to a outpost. The party decided to go into town a bit to explore and ask around for information after they had left the dinner. As it was somewhat late most things had already closed down. The inn the Phokas was still open and had a lively but ordinary evening. Deckie challenged a merchant that was doing bets with a chicken fight while using a young Chimeric dragon-chicken. After the dragon-chicken easily defeated the ordinary chicken it was fighting Deckie climbed onto the table to to challenge the chicken directly. Everybody agreed to it and thus the bets were placed and the fight began. Deckie ended up easily defeating the dragon-chicken as he was very underestimated. He won some money and the merchant quickly left now that his winning chicken was a dead pile. Zero decided to grab the dragon-chicken corpse and take it with him. Eris talked to a drunken man participating in a drinking contest against a farmer. The man was quite rude and talked a bit about the demon lands. After drinking the other man under the table he left in a drunken stupor. The next day in the morning the party met up together again and went out into town. They looked around some shops: they ended up buying from the traveling merchant they beat at the chicken fights the day before. The merchant is a Half-elf named Erlamin and is a traveling merchant with a card full of all kinds of stuff. The party bought some stuff and Deckie stole a vial with a poison supressor. The party also went past the preparation site that was preparing for leaving into the demon lands. There they met Xynos a cartographer leaving into the demonlands with the caravan too. He gave the party some information about the demon lands and showed them a rought map of the demon lands.   After a total of 3 days the caravan left for the demons lands. Accompanied by Trianas (the drunk man the party met earlier) as the expedition leader, some other regular members, the party, guards accompanying for extra safety and other hired people. The party traveled through the demon lands for 5 days during this session. During those 5 days the party was lucky with the weather and managed to do really well at navigation causing the travel to go efficiently despite the travel through the demon lands being difficult. The party avoided forests to have open travel. Deckie has a close encounter during 1 of the nights nearly being stabbed by a Blood thorn plant.   On the 5th day while the sun was setting the party encountered a thick patch of mist and lost sight of the rest of the other carts. The party got ambushed by Demon deer. After a somewhat hard fight the party managed to kill the deer and all survive the battle.   As it is the evening of 12th of aacs, the day being Ouru.   The session ended and all party members were awarded a level up.
Report Date
15 Oct 2021


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