Mathrell Character in Gajas | World Anvil
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Mathrell is an NPC that appeared in the Heretics resistance campaign.   They are an ancient and powerfull fey. It is unknown how long they've existed. Mathrell is incredibly powerfull having naturally very strong magic, including the ability to alter fate and reincarnate souls.   Mathrell serves as a kind of local deity to a small group of old pagan groups in Bersail which includes the people of the Ethain family. They have served as a local deity for 100's of years starting from around the 300's.   Mathrell takes the form of a tree, vaugely shaping a humanoid shape to communicate when they choose so. It is unknown if they can even move but for 100's of years they at least havent and have been at the edge of Bersail.   During the Heretics resistance campaign, Mathrell had a mission which the party did for them, to investigate the Otherworld. Mathrell rewarded the party with magical gifts, which ended up being the pathway which Orion took to reincarnate Edith and how Killian altered fate to make sure he'd meet his parents.
Current Location
Date of Birth
Unknown, somewhere before the year 0


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