Lyxsas Character in Gajas | World Anvil
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Lyxsas Amare

“I’m pretty sure if I don’t show up with something, I’m gonna get fireballed.”
-Lyxsas’ response to Zero and Thorn suggesting going drinking instead
  A tiefling man and employee of Asfales outpost.  


Lyxsas is a Half Elf of average height and below average weight. He has red skin, horns, pointed teeth, black sclera and a tail due to being born with the Tiefling curse. Lyxsas has reddish brown hair that is swept to the right, slightly choppily cut. On his right cheek he has a thin scar that he got when he was ten years old. He has golden irises. Lyxsas wears simple travelers clothes.  


Lyxsas comes of as cold, distant and mean due to him being committed to his job. He is very closed off, relying on himself and only people he is close to. Slowly the relic hunters party has seen a much friendlier side to him by giving him items to study, but mostly due to Eris her romantic pursuit of the man. Lyxsas can be a bit dorky with his sense of humor, making a joke about being fire resistant to Eris when he burned her to test one of his theories. With those theories, it has also been discovered that he has a very terrible habit of rambling and taking twenty minutes to tell a two minute story.  



Lyxsas has almost a non-existent relationship with his family, only having been provided the basic needs throughout his childhood. He ran away from home after being told by his mother that she knew he was wrong from the moment he came out of her.  


Lyxsas’ best friend. He bought Lyxsas some time to escape after almost being killed by a group of teenage boys. The ten year old then spent some days looking for the Tabaxi, insisting on taking him with him.    





Leodithas Auffrye



Starting of a bit rocky, Lyxsas and Eris grew closer throughout their stay at the Outpost. After almost dying at the teeth of a drake, Eris confessed her love for him, which he happily requited with a kiss. He confessed that she was the first person he worried for when they went off to a mission. In Phindanshire, they went on their first official date, here he learned of her wishes to get married and have children. Lyxsas was hesitant, having never expected that he would get married and worried that his offspring would be born cursed like him. On the ship, Eris officially asked him to marry her, to which he reacted sarcastically but happily accepted a second later.  



Character Information



Current Items



  • Lyxsas is the only Tiefling so far in the relic hunters campaign.
  • He is the first Wizard that has been encountered in the relic hunters campaign, the second one being Revali.
  • A common joke in the campaign has been to refer to Lyxsas as Licks Ass, giving birth to the Dummy Thicc Lyxsas and Evil Dumpy Jokes. This has been emphasized when he and Deckie rode on the same horse, which suffered a penalty in movement, while this did not happen when Deckie rode a horse with someone else.
  • Lyxsas has referred to some aspects of his relationship with Eris as tyranny, little does he know that the only tyranny he will experience will be being forced to eat his vegetables.
  • Lyxsas has created a new type of magic, which the party has comically referred to as Magic IVF.
  • Lyxsas' last name Amare, means to be loved in Latin.


Family Ties

Alexios Amare (Father)   Latona Amare (Mother, deceased)   Rhea Amare (Sister)   Alden's Father (Father in Law)   Eris' Mother (Mother in Law, deceased)   Eris Amare (Wife)   Ezaeur Amare (Son)   Saero Amare (Son)   Astraea Amare (Daughter)   Adora Amare (Daughter)   Vilath (Son in law) Juniper Treebound (Daughter in law)   6 unnamed granddaughters (From Saero and Juniper)   Rhiannon Amare (Granddaughter, from Astraea and Vilath)
Lyxsas at 43
Current Status
Professor at the Arcane Academy of Scarbell. Father of four children.
Current Location
Date of Birth
Griffus 39 509AC
Year of Birth
509 AC 146 Years old
Current Residence
Gold with black sclera
Reddish Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
175 cm
Can't read his terrible handwriting so I can't say


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