Dragonborn Species in Gajas | World Anvil
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The dragonborn are a naturally evolved species originally, a large portion of them however have been given magic, now there are 2 subgroups of dragonborn, those with magic and those without. the first being called beast the others blessed. The dragonborn are a bit unique in that they, are from the draconic group of species, this makes them unable to have children with the humanoid species. Being an intelligent dragon species by official metrics. This makes them quite unique but actually gives them a disadvantage in survival over time, as they have a considerably harder time finding partners. The dragonborn are predators, who throughout history been known to eat humans and the like as prey, this has caused considerable stigma, the dragonborn tend to be more individualistic too. Appearance wise, the dragonborn scales tend to be muddled browns and the like for the beast (though patterns and variations do exists), and the blessed dragonborn tend to have more color patterns its inherited from their parents and its often also in part the color associated with their element. dragonborn have tails cus fuck that. The beast and blessed dragonborn can have children with each other, the color often being a mix of the 2, which is how beast dragonborn also have some magic, whether the children are blessed too is up to chance, but its all or nothing no inbetween.
80 years


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