Rook-of-the-Moor Organization in Gailen | World Anvil
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The noble line of the Rook family, as they're usually known, is one that has risen to prominence and renown, but certainly not adoration. Once a lineage of trained knights, serving in the court of Nelseat, a far from noble marriage by Sir Harrow Rook forced them to retreat from court amid accusations of everything from dishonour to outright blasphemy. Through the efforts of Sir Harrow's son, Corybyn Rook, they are now known as a family of monster slayers, in particular demons and devils. Now widely repsected, and with their own small fief a few days journey from Nelseat, the family's wealth and influence has never been greater.


A manor, and tithes collected from Greymoor, a small village. Reasonable wealth and an extensive library divided into both safe and very dangerous books. A small number of servants and professional soldiers. A small, well appointed townhouse in a fine district of Nelseat.


A relatively young noble house, founded a little over a century ago by battlefield promotion of a footsoldier to knighthood, the Rook house was seen as loyal, dependable and unambitious, swearing fealty too one or other noble house around central Lareena. The household was only subject to interest when Sir Harrow married Hail Craike, not only a common woman but cursed with fiendish blood, and produced an heir who carried the same traits. Driven out of court by gossip, superstition and fear-mongering, the family lived in relative poverty, relying on the generosity of Harrow's few remaining friends and mercenary work to survive. Harrow's son, Corbyn, rebuilt the family, riding a reputation of fear and ill-omen into a career as a professional demon hunter. With the support of Lord Vulchin, and the reluctant endorsement of scholars and churches, Corbyn and his wife Truth, are now known as destroyers and researchers of the fouler interplanar invaders. Their four children have followed in their footprints, but in recent months Corbyn, and his youngest daughter Ephrael have mysteriously vanished without a trace.
Alternative Names
House Rook
Leader Title
Family Leader
Controlled Territories


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