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Niearamie's Arms

Two long promontories stretching out into the grey path see for miles on either side, creating a nearly perfect circle of sheltered water. The convenience of this formation, and the way that the two promontories have withstood intense weathering has lead scholars to suggest that it is not a natural formation.


Two large rocky cliffs protruding from the mainland of Talioche, out a fair distance into the Grey-Path Sea, curving around until nearly touching, leaving a gap only 200 meters wide. Blue ocean on either side, with the mainland so far distant it is just over the horizon. The rocks are tough and hard, and of many strange mixtures, with thin veins of iron ore running through the red poryphyr stone. The cliffs are topped with a hardy, spiky grass, and stunted bushes and shrubs that can survive the salt spray.


The grass and shrubs cling to the very tops of the cliffs where there is a thin topsoil, or in the cracks and crevasses where they can be assured a better fixture and more rain water. Too far down the cliff face and they wither in the excess of salt, and there is a clear border along the cliff face where the grass and creeping succulents must stop growing or die. The lower cliff faces on the inside of the bay are dotted by corals and tunicates, and alagae grazing crustaceans and molluscs move among them, sheltered from the roughest of the seas swells. After these creatures and the small fish, stalks the bobbit worm, the common rock octopus and the axe crab.   On the outside of the bay, mostly barnacles and other filter feeding crustaceans are all that survive, battered by the harsh storms of the Grey-Path, and kelp and weed desperately cling to crumbling rocks below the surface

Ecosystem Cycles

In the winter time, the edges of the silt storms that rage accross the Alila Plains and over Kadesmuth send lashing winds and rain over the cliffs, pulling any shrubs not sufficiently rooted off and into the sea. In the summer, the succulent Carpobrotus Prominems flowers, and many species of sea bird make a migration from the south too nest among the outcroppings and tough bushes.

Fauna & Flora

Flora: Bluestain Bull kelp Cliff Pig  Green-Hair Mermaid's Necklace Sea Grass Sea-lavender Rust Algae        Fauna: Axe Crab Black-Winged Tern (Seasonal) Bobbit Worm Barnacles Common Rock Octopus Cunjevoi Ecklonia radiata Greygull Precocious Albatross (Seasonal) Scrubber Crab Sooty Puffin (Seasonal) Star-Abalone
Alternative Name(s)
Bay of Peace, Shelternook
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank


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