Aubade Monastery Building / Landmark in Gailen | World Anvil
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Aubade Monastery

The official headquarters of the Monks of the Aphelion, a relatively small, humble building built out of a converted warehouse on the docks of Sefone. A humble friendly building buzzing with the scratching of quills and the babble of discourse, the monks are always eager to meet any student and any potential teacher that walks through the doors.

Purpose / Function

Acting as a headquarters, the building is mostly a meeting hall, an archive and a large number of writing desks to keep up with the correspondence of the monks in the field.


And old warehouse is not the most elegant building but the monks have made the best of it. Old brick walls have been repaired and plastered over in a simple white. The huge interior has been sectioned off into bits with clean wooden interior walls. The dirt floor has been covered in cheap, but mismatched stone slabs and tiles, borrowed and donated from old building sites give it a slightly childish interior. In the central meeting hall the beams are still bare above and lets cold air in.
Alternative Names
School Shop
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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