Beastfolk Species in Gaia | World Anvil
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Around 800 years ago, the human tribes of what would later become the Galatean Jungle banded together against the elven conquest during the War of Southern Dominance. At their summit, they performed an ancient ritual that would allow them to choose their king. Upon the completion of this ritual, a bright blue moon appeared high in the sky in place of the full moon and suddenly all the tribes of the jungle became the beastfolk. The beastfolk are humanoid beast hybrids that walk upright like humans but have the skin and head of an animal.

Basic Information


Beastfolk have humanoid bodies of highly various sizes ranging from 4ft tall to 12ft tall depending on the animal they take after. Their heads and skin are the same of their represented animal but they have the body of a humanoid that stands upright. Some beastfolk may have wings and tails.

Genetics and Reproduction

Beastfolk can reproduce with any other beastfolk regardless of their animal. It is even possible for beastfolk to reproduce with humans. Each beastfolk's animal is random and independent of their parents.

Growth Rate & Stages

Beastfolk live as long as humans.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Some beastfolk have scences that resemble those of their animal. Dogfolk have heightened senses of smell, birdfolk have heightened sight, and crocodilefolk can live underwater for extended periods without air.
Genetic Ancestor(s)

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