Snow Wulfer Character in Gaia | World Anvil
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Snow Wulfer

Prince of Kuōden Snow Wulfer (a.k.a. Wolf boy)

Being picked by a deity to save the world from total devastation isn't your typical walk in the park for a thirteen-year-old. But for Snow Wulfer, this is just a regular mission. Being a prince of Kuōden, Snow has learned how to fight, survive, and fish. Though he was treated differently by many because he was the only white lycan, that never discouraged him. Though this is where he picked up his habit of being rude to others.   Snow's powers showed at the worst possible time. One night, he heard something. He left his room to see what was going on. He saw his father fighting an assassin. Snow went to go help but he was knocked away easily. He saw his father was about to die. Snow started to scream and attacked the assassin. He grabbed him by the throat and froze him. Then he shattered his body.   Snow started to transform and freeze everything around him. His father came and hugged him. Snow eventually calmed down, but he froze half of his father's left arm. His father tried to comfort him, but he still felt guilty. He promised himself that he would master his power and wouldn't lose control. So he would never forget, he gave himself a scar over his left eye.   For about two years, Snow trained relentlessly. For a small period of time, his brother helped with his training. But he went on a journey of self-discovery. So he trained with his father. Snow still felt some guilt, but he just hid it while he trained. Though his training wasn't done, Snow made progress. He was able to make weapons of ice and had the strength of a transformed Lycan. During one of his dreams, he saw what looked to be an angel. But in actuality, it was a member of the 10th. Her name was Aquza, the deity of water.   Aquza warned Snow about Necrox and told him to search for other chosen vessels and crystals. She asked him to go and find them. Before he could give a response, he woke up. Snow was bewildered. But if this was true, he didn't want everything he cared about to be destroyed. So he gathered all his belongings and stole his dad's satchel. He took a small boat and set sail.   After a month of sailing, he finally made it to the mainland. Snow isn't sure if what Aquza said is true, but he doesn't want to risk it. That and he wanted some time to reflect on what's happening to him. So he continues his journey. On his travels, he's found the other vessels and crystals. Snow got a guardian dragon named ember and even learned more about himself than he ever realized. But, will Snow and the rest of the vessels be able to defeat Necrox? Only time will tell.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

In top physical condition. Has the physical strength and speed of a transformed lycan.

Body Features

White spiky hair. Lightly tanned skin. His skin turns pale from overuse of his powers.

Identifying Characteristics

Snow has a scar over his left eye. His golden yellow eyes are also a dead give away.

Physical quirks

Snow is left handed. He typically walks slowly so he can observe is surroundings.

Special abilities

Snow is able to manipulate and generate water in almost any way possible. He prefers to use mainly use ice. He can make ice-based weapons or combine ice with his pole or gauntlets. He has superhuman speed, strength, endurance, and agility. Snow also has enhanced senses.

Apparel & Accessories

Wears a white, ragged cape. Carries around a satchel with infinite storage space. Wears a dark gray, sleeveless shirt.

Specialized Equipment

Has a iron pole in the satchel. Wears small gauntlets with him. Usually use these two weapons in conjunction with his ice manipulation.

Mental characteristics


Snow is a heterosexual.


Being the prince of Kuōden, Snow knows how to fight, survive, and fish.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Learned how to use his powers. Tracking down every vessel and crystal.

Failures & Embarrassments

Being unable to control himself when he transforms. (Slowly learning how to) Constantly losing to his brother in fights.

Mental Trauma

Because of what he did to his father, he tries not to transform. He also doesn't use the full extent of his powers.

Intellectual Characteristics

Snow is a tactician. He's good at leading the other vessels.

Morality & Philosophy

Snow's moral alignment would be chaotic good. He tries his hardest not to break the law, if he has to he will.

Personality Characteristics


Strives to help his friends, family, and people the best way he can. He hopes that one day he can beat his big brother in a fight.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Good at tracking, hand to hand combat and fishing. Not good at taking hints or social cues.

Likes & Dislikes

Snow loves to eat roasted boar and seared fish. He likes hanging out with friends and family. Snow is always up for fishing. He likes watching over and playing with children, especially from Kuōden. Snow hates ranch. This includes the smell and taste. He dislikes most puzzles and riddles, Snow also hates it whenever someone lands on him.

Virtues & Personality perks

Snow would stop in and take him for someone he barely knows. He would stand up for what's morally right.

Vices & Personality flaws

Overcurious. Underestimates his opponents. Can be uncaring at times. Has a bit of a temper.

Personality Quirks

When he's transformed, his tails wags when happy.


He barely cares about his hygiene, but tries his best not to smell like a dumpster.


Family Ties

Snow is the little brother of Lumrial.

Social Aptitude

Snow can come off as rude when talking to other people. He can be overconfident. Snow often doesn't back down from arguments.

Hobbies & Pets

Snow tries to improve himself in almost anyway possible He's a great fisherman, he likes looking after kids.


His tone is usually monotone at times. Though he can also sound like a kid. One catchphrase is, "Oh crap."


Snow Wulfer

Friend (Important)

Towards Ember




Friend (Vital)

Towards Snow Wulfer




The first time they met Ember crash landed into Snow. Since then, Ember has claimed himself as Snow's guardian dragon. When this happened, Snow wasn't too keen on Ember following him, but after coming to the realization Ember would risk his life just to save him, he happily accepted Ember as his guardian dragon and friend.

Nicknames & Petnames

In the beginning, Ember would call Snow Master, but this Snow has never liked the sound of it.

Relationship Reasoning

Their entire friendship is based on the fact that Ember chose him. However, after spending a lot of time together, this evolved into a genuine friendship where they both care about each other.

Wealth & Financial state

Coming from a royal family, Snow is extremely wealthy. However, he doesn't bring up how much money he has. He prefers to stay quiet about it until he needs to buy something. Carries around with him his Father's satchel, which is a pocket dimension.
Snow only transforms if the situation calls for it or he's running out of ideas. His transformation can also be triggered by a need.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Prince of Kuōden Vessel of Water The White Lycan
Golden yellow
Spiky and white.
137 Ibs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Leave before I kick your ass." "Oh crap."
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations

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