Denemor Character in Gaés (Archived) | World Anvil


The raven-haired goddess looked on
and saw you there, with your honey voice,
the center of the worlds you made
and, wanting something for herself,
cried out in her terrible wail,
sundering all things that were good.
You loved her, for she was your twin.
You slew her, saving all of us.
Excerpt from the Second Derrhin Hymn to Astenor

The earliest creation myths of all Eudokian cultures speak of a goddess, Denemor, capable of destroying the very world with the power of her voice. Her twin sister, Astenor, slew her to protect the world of her creation from Denemor's destructive power. Legend has it that the powerful Bloodgems known as the Blood of Denemor are crystallized drops of blood that fell when Denemor was slain.

Divine Domains

Denemor was associated with raw destructive energy until she was slain by her twin.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Denemor is depicted as a woman with long, raven-black hair and five black stitches over her mouth.
Divine Classification
God, Major Power
Related Myths


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