Aura Physical / Metaphysical Law in FZG | World Anvil


Aura refers to the usually invisible Essence field that is produced by cells and surrounds them. It acts as a protective barrier against the Aura of other beings and as a sixth sense. This sixth sense is rather primitive in most people and often manifests as a general bad feeling and is rather vague, although by trained professionals it can be used to perceive threads and things hidden to the other senses. The size of one's Aura is directly linked to the strength of that person, with plants having barely any Aura, a normal human having a small Aura which surrounds an area of about half a meter around a person and strong people like the gods having Auras which can have a range of dozens of meters. Anything that happens within the Aura of a person can be perceived by it and therefore having a large Aura can be a great advantage, however having a strong Aura can also be a dangerous thing.

As a person gets stronger their Aura not only increases in size but also in density. This causes the denser center of the Aura to become visible as a barely noticeable glow and for very high powered individuals it can look almost as if flames are coming out of the person's body. While the edges of a high powered person's Aura might not be any different than that of a normal person, the closer you get to the Auras center the denser it gets. When 2 different Auras occupy the same space they can bleed into each other at the edges, causing a zone where both people can perceive with their Aura, but once the density of one Aura becomes too much the other Aura can't go further. When 2 people of equal power meet they will both be able to perceive the same amount into the other person's Aura before the edges of their Aura get crushed by the denser inner Aura of the other. If those 2 get closer and closer the area where both Auras bleed into each other and coexist gets smaller and smaller since Aura density doesn't fall of linear, but exponentially and if they were to touch each other there would be a very distinct and fine line between them where the Auras push against each other, but they wouldn't be able to penetrate each other as they would both be too dense for each other.
However, if two people with vastly different levels of strength meet one could dominate the others Aura. The same phenomenon on a much weaker scale naturally causes fear or awe when a being of much greater power is perceived, however dominating another person's Aura is much more than that. When the other person's Aura is strong enough it will feel as if a constant pressure is surrounding you, pressing at your very being. This pressure will increase the stronger and closer the other person is. Then you will start to feel weak, the very act of standing becoming a strain on your body. At this stages, the other person's Aura is already strong enough to completely push back your Aura to your skin and destroying any Aura you try to build up outside of your body. Your body will desperately try to build up its Aura again which causes the great physical strain as resources are focused on your Aura. The next stage is unconsciousness where the other persons Aura starts to tear at the very Essence produced by your cells. This causes your Soul to be affected and all of your bodies energy is focused on protecting your Soul and organs. The last stage is when the other person's Aura completely overwhelms any defenses you still had. It seeps into your body and starts doing some serious damage. Heart Attacks, seizures, permanent brain and soul damage are commonplace even after short exposure and longer or stronger exposure rips apart your Soul and causes cells in your body to die. There is another unofficial stage, that is only possible for the strongest among the gods. At this strength Aura becomes so strong, that it starts to physically destroy living tissue since any cells that aren't used to such incredibly high amounts of Aura get so completely overwhelmed with Aura that they combust instantly.

However most high powered, intelligent beings control their Aura since living in any society becomes rather difficult otherwise. They usually have an Aura only slightly stronger than a normal human as to not harm other people and to not be noticed so easily and to conceal their emotions which could otherwise be read through their Aura. Trained individuals cannot only simply suppress their Aura but also manipulate its form. Doing this they can extend their Auras range into a direction greatly or use their Aura to scout buildings. This is also important for mages since Magic can only be cast within ones own Aura and powerful mages are Masters at manipulating the shape and density of their Aura to attack from unexpected angles.


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