Dragonborn Species in Future_Earth | World Anvil
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The Dragonborn subrace is one of several that evolved from humans, and despite their imposing appearance and unique abilities they had rather humble beginnings and unlike their genetic ancestor  humans or fellow subspecies tieflings don't have a dramatic backstory. The first Dragonborn was born in the city of Akrodon in what used to be Wales around the year 7987 PDF, a male named Rogon Audran. He was born as a mutation with bumpy scales, a small tail and a reptilian maw. Over time his genes were passed on until the present day where Akrodon is mostly populated by Dragonborn. Over time similar mutations have popped up in other cities as well, similar enough to also be considered Dragonborn. Their appearance have also evolved during this time. The rough uneven scales have become smaller and more even (size and shape tends to differ from city to city), the tails have become longer and thicker, they have evolved an organ in their throat that enables them to spit one of several elemental magic blasts and they have generally become more reptilian in appearance. They have also noticably grown taller and bulkier with each generation (Audran was about 176 cm tall and a bit thin, while an average modern Akrodon Dragonborn is around 200 cm and built much more robust) which continues to this day.

Dragonborn are not very common outside of Akrodon, but they aren't that rare either. There are about 850 000 Dragonborn all around the planet, and since they are generally thriving that number continues to increase. The Dragonborn came from almost nothing and grew over time to become the imposing force they are today, and they keep going upward still.

Dragonborn Variations

Dragonborn are similar to Tieflings in regards to their evolution. They started out strong in one area and evolved independantly in other areas over time, all similar enough to be classified as Dragonborn. They all share some traits like scaly skin, tails and breath glands but differ in colour, size and various other areas.

Akrodon Dragonborn

The first Dragonborn to evolve and the most successful as a whole. Akrodon Dragonborn are the physically biggest out of all the variants, averaging at about 200 cm and can grow as tall as 230 cm in rare cases, along with being very bulky and muscular in general. Although they look a bit smaller due to being hunched over most of the time. They have two large horns growing backwards from the side of their heads and uniquely among Dragonborn have a mane of usually white hair between them. The tails are about 140 cm and very thick and have a set of up to six smaller spikes at the end. Their scales are either red, copper or black in colour with their eyes being generally orange.

Akadence Dragonborn

The Akadence Dragonborn is built more humanoid and less beastly than the Akrodon variant. While still tall and bulky they are less so than their cousins, averaging in at just around 190 cm with the tallest (not counting individual mutations) being about 210 cm. In a rare case of gender-exclusive traits only the males have horns, similar in shape and placement to the Akrodon variant but shorter and less sharp. The tails are also quite short at only 100 cm and medium thickness, but the top of them are covered in hard protective scales that combined with the tail weight make them a formidable melee weapon. Their scales are mostly a brass colour, but a few have a golden hue with their eyes being a sharp yellow.

Ouverton Dragonborn

An Ouverton Dragonborn is very similar to an Akadence Dragonborn when it comes to biology. They're about as tall with average being about 187 cm but slightly less bulky. They also have horns that look almost the same as the Akadence variant, but for both genders like most Dragonborn. The tails are slightly longer and thinner at about 107 cm along with the same tough scales as the Akadence ones. Their scales are either blue or green and their eyes are sharp yellow.

Cloudcairn Dragonborn

The Cloudcairn Dragonborn is one of the most unique. They are the fewest in number out of all Dragonborn variants with only about 29 at the moment but stand out from a visual standpoint: they are the only Dragonborn variant with wings. To be better suited for the high altitudes of Cloudcairn their bodies are smaller than average at "only" 180 cm on average and almost human level bulk. Their wings however are massive and a bit unwieldy, about 5 meters from tip to tip, to be able to carry them. Their general build are also built for aerodynamics, thus they lack horns but have a short sail growing from the back of their head to the tip of their tail. The tails in question are very long but not the thickest, about 80 cm, and function as a rudder in flight. The colour is generally bronze or silver, with a couple being blue. The eyes are a piercing blue.

Asian Dragonborn

The Asian Dragonborn includes both the Yáoga Pòhzhě and the Bùluxīng Dragonborn due to them being similar enough to be considered the same variant. Both of them are average height for a Dragonborn at 200 cm with the same low level of bulk as a Cloudcairn Dragonborn, but other than that they look extremely different compared to other types. For one their horns are more brittle and round than other horns, looking more like short antlers. They also have long whiskers underneath their nostrils and three long sails going down their backs. Their tails are also longer than their body at around 220 cm while also being very flexible and whip-like. Their scales are very small and smooth, with the Yáoga Pòhzhě ones being either black or red while the Bùluxīng ones being white or silver. Their eyes are a sharp red.

Vaaston Dragonborn

Dragonborn from Vaaston are slightly shorter than the Akrodon standard at 185 cm in general, but they are noticably the bulkiest and physically strongest and look almost as wide as they are tall. They do have horns, but they are very short and stumpy and rarely grow longer than 8 cm. They are also notable in that they lack tails as a whole, the only Dragonborn variant to do so. Their scales are mostly green or copper with a few being brass coloured, while their eyes are a dull orange.

Ondaverne Dragonborn

The Ondaverne variant of Dragonborn are physically very similar to the Akadence Dragonborn, being about the same height and build. However, their main differing trait are their horns, claws and fangs. All of these are more developed than any other variant. They generally have a whole crown with two giant 2-feet horns growing from the back of their head, with three smaller ones adorning the top of the head and a row of spikes going down their back. Their claws are also very long, sharp and durable, capable of leaving marks in stone. And their fangs are extremely sharp, but not very durable and break easily (they regrow over time similar to a shark). An Ondaverne Dragonborn tail is also similar in length to the Akadence variant but also possesses broad fins on each side. The scales are usually red or brass, with some being gold or black. Their eyes are a piercing yellow.

Kinmont Dragonborn

Dragonborn from Kinmont are the most animalistic looking out of all the Dragonborn. They look similar to the Akrodon Dragonborn, but shorter, wider, even more hunched over and with very rough ridged scales. They look like a crocodile became bipedal and grew bigger limbs and a slightly rounder head. They do not have horns, but their fangs are huge and can pierce bone. Their tail is similarly crocodilian as their body and about as long. Their scales are mostly green but can be blue or even silver. Their eyes are pitch black.


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