
A Companion Article to the Era Timeline.

The Old World

410CE to 2055CE

The Old World as an era started when the Roman Empire Ended in the British Isles, in 410CE. The Era ended in 2055CE because of The Great Rewind.

The Between Years

2056CE to 2120CE

The between years is a period of 64 years. It is called the between years as they don't know where on era ends and another starts. No one can agree on how long the era is but general consensus puts The Between Years at 64 years. The Between Years are regarded as a buffer period between The Old and The New World.

The New World

2121CE and Beyond

The New World was born out of the Old World it is called the New World for it replaced the Old one due to the The Great Rewind. While this era has started from The Old World ending, people are somewhat hesitant rather than hopeful for the future. As they look into the past and can see what they have lost.